NextSoftware360 build howto: The software uses cmake to create the needed build files. Download cmake: and install it. Usage: Open a command prompt on your system and change into the root directory of this project (location of README.txt). Create a build directory in the root directory: mkdir build After that use one of the following cmake commands. Feel free to change the commands to satisfy your needs. Windows sample for Visual Studio 2015 64 Bit: cd build cmake .. -DEXTENSION_360_VIDEO=1 -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" Linux Release Makefile sample: cd build cmake .. -DEXTENSION_360_VIDEO=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release Linux Debug Makefile sample: cd build cmake .. -DEXTENSION_360_VIDEO=1 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug MACOSX Xcode sample: cd build cmake .. -DEXTENSION_360_VIDEO=1 -G "Xcode"