Custom query (9 matches)


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Status: closed (9 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#134 VTM can result in different kbps under different platform XiangLi defect major VTM-3.0 fixed
#140 inconsistent results when CPR is on XiangLi defect major VTM-3.0 fixed
#121 wrong memory bandwidth calculation in BIO and CPR defect minor VTM-3.0 fixed
#123 Failed to compile with ENABLE_TRACING==1 defect minor VTM-3.0 fixed
#125 Encoder and decoder mismatch when ConstrainedIntraPred is turned on defect minor VTM-3.0 fixed
#129 CPR in VTM can result in different results depending on platform defect minor VTM-3.0 fixed
#130 Incorrect scaling operation in triangle list derivation defect minor VTM-3.0 fixed
#138 compilation error when JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE set to 1 defect minor VTM-3.0 fixed
#141 Memory release problem in HMVP XiangLi defect minor VTM-3.0 fixed
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