Custom query (11 matches)


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Status: closed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#615 Missing independent layer implementation defect major VTM-6.2 fixed
#712 Encoder uses the STSA picture type on pictures such that STSA restrictions are violated defect major fixed
#722 VTM master branch encoder crash for YUV444 coding defect major fixed
#573 Issue when POC is reset on IDR defect minor VTM-6.1 fixed
#576 bCTUboundary condition for CCLM filtering incorrect defect minor VTM-6.2 fixed
#669 MIP larger than 64x64 CU defect minor VTM-7.0rc1 fixed
#676 Fix rate control with WCG_EXT defect minor VTM-7.0rc1 fixed
#705 #defect name by decode files defect minor VTM-7.0 fixed
#707 Mismatch on context index derivation of transform_skip_flag and mts_idx between WD and SW enhancement minor VTM-7.0 fixed
#726 Encoder's reconstructed yuv file doesn't match decoder's reconstructed yuv file at rev=ea822544 defect minor fixed
#748 VTM 7.0 decoder slower than VTM 6.2 decoder enhancement minor VTM-7.0 fixed
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