Custom query (7 matches)


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Status: closed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1444 incorrect decoding of scalable conformance streams defect major VTM-11.2 fixed
#1449 VTM generates incorrect .opl for multi-layers streams defect major VTM-11.2 fixed
#1164 Incorrect picture output order in two-layer stream defect minor VTM-9.3 fixed
#1474 Issue on RPL compliance check after MR 2026 (Fixes for tickets #961, #1455 and #1447) defect minor VTM-12.0 fixed
#1476 Issue on picture output after MR 2026 (Fixes for tickets #961, #1455 and #1447) defect minor VTM-12.0 fixed
#1478 Issue on sps_field_seq_flag defect minor VTM-12.0 fixed
#1480 Wrong order of coding initial_cpb_removal_delay and initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset defect minor VTM-12.0 fixed
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