Custom query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#1649 [misalignment] on rprConstraintsActiveFlag new defect VTM
#1648 [misalignment] on use of sps_chroma_horizontal/vertical_collocated_flag new defect VTM
#1647 [misalignment] pruning condition for AMVP HMVP candidate new defect VTM
#1646 [misalignment] condition to use of tempMV from sbtmvp candidate new defect VTM
#1645 [misalignment] sbtmvp eanbling condition in CU level new defect VTM
#1627 "Decoding process for palette mode" does not say what to do with output samples new defect H.266/VVC v4 spec
#1626 xParseSEIBufferingPeriod does not match spec, code omits some syntax elements new defect VTM
#1591 wrong bitstream and erroneous picheader values when Affine disabled and scaled reference (scalable or RPR) new defect VTM
#1588 VTM is also affected. While testing the VVC in lossless mode, encoder seems to generate a invalid bit-stream and the decoder fails with error message new defect VTM
#572 Incorrect use of chroma distortion weights if Cb and Cr QP offsets differ (affects perceptual QPA, may affect SBT in HDR-PQ CTCs) new defect VTM
#215 Encoder fails when WP is enabled (WeightedPredP/WeightedPredB=1) new defect VTM
#207 VTM + 360Lib tries to read input/reference file even is E2E quality metrics are not enabled new defect 360Lib
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