Custom query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#206 Support .y4m input new minor VTM
#518 VTM-6.0 tracing crashes with recent gcc new minor VTM
#1034 Duplicated functions for writing/parsing of prediction weight table new minor VTM
#1077 Enabling dependent quantization for lossy slices in mixed lossy-lossless new minor VTM
#1285 Cleanup of some variable names new trivial VTM
#1391 Unnecessary setting of mrgTypeNeighbours in getInterMergeCandidates() and checking condition in getInterMMVDMergeCandidates() new minor VTM-10.1 VTM
#1392 MaxCUWidth and MaxCUHeight config parameters new minor VTM
#1430 Cannot set MTT depth equal to 0 in VTM (Unnecessary encoder config check?) new minor VTM
#1483 /cfg/444/yuv444.cfg seems obsolete new minor VTM
#1484 /cfg/per-class/formatRGB.cfg is silent on colorspace conversion new minor VTM
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.