Custom query (9 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#572 Incorrect use of chroma distortion weights if Cb and Cr QP offsets differ (affects perceptual QPA, may affect SBT in HDR-PQ CTCs) new defect major
#468 ERROR: AddressSanitizer: unknown-crash new defect minor
#507 Signalling of RPL in slice header of IDR picture new defect minor
#521 Platform-inconsistent results for palette, RA, qp=2 new defect minor
#539 Add fix in EncGOP.cpp to new HDRTools v0.20+ new defect minor
#540 Problem with 360lib new defect minor
#542 The proposal displaying information on the input video. new defect minor
#544 Implicit partitonning issue when CtbSizeY = 128 and dual tree new defect minor
#548 [Tile] Wrong Intra Mode for first PU of second Tile new defect minor
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