Custom query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#913 Invalid LevelIDC in DCI for multi-layer new defect minor
#929 Encoder hangs when too few frames in source file new defect minor
#959 Coding loss of LMCS with Kimono 420 new defect minor
#977 writing outside of allocated memory new defect minor
#981 Mismatch when slice_ts_residual_coding_disabled_flag is enabled reopened defect minor
#988 Decoder mismatch for lossless coding when RDOQ is enabled at config new defect minor
#1104 Inconsistency between two rate-distortion costs in the case of a I-slice in 4:0:0 new defect minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.