Custom query (7 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#1052 Bad cast from short * to int * in JVET-R0327 integration defect blocker 4 years
#1005 Rectangular slice map – CTU map in wrong order. defect minor VTM-8.0 5 years
#1029 Encoder/Decoder Mismatch occurs when RDOQ is disabled defect minor VTM-8.0 4 years
#1031 prohibited MER size can be set in VTM defect minor VTM-8.1 4 years
#1050 Wrong accumulation of cost information in local dual tree defect minor VTM-8.1 4 years
#1051 Rate control in current VTM does not work defect minor VTM-8.1 4 years
#1063 The latest VTM decoder crashes when multi-layer coding is tested defect minor 4 years
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.