Custom query (5 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (4 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1408 LFNST zero out incorrect when JVET_R0351_HIGH_BIT_DEPTH_ENABLED is 1 defect minor VTM VTM-10.2
#1418 Mismatch between spec and VTM on signalling of sn_layer_id defect minor VTM VTM-10.2
#1433 VTM doesn't start decoding on GDR with ph_recovery_poc_cnt = 0 defect minor VTM VTM-10.2
#1426 Wrong place for initialization of bestBcwCost defect trivial VTM VTM-10.2

Resolution: invalid (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1437 vtm bugs In function getModifiedWideAngle defect critical VTM VTM-10.2
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