Custom query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Resolution: fixed (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#713 alf_chroma_num_alt_filters_minus1 unbounded defect minor spec
#740 Figure 7 is wrong defect minor spec VVC D7 vE
#792 Issue of subpic ID mapping present defect minor spec VVC D7 vE
#797 coded_sub_block_flag semantics assume only 4x4 subblock defect minor spec VVC D7 vE
#815 Subclause name mismatch defect minor spec
#819 cMax error for merge_gpm_partition_idx[ ][ ] defect minor spec VVC D8 v7
#844 On PictureOutputFlag setting defect minor spec VVC D8 vB
#854 Wrong close brace place in residual_ts_coding() defect minor spec VVC D8 vB
#858 Missing close brace and conditions in palette_coding () defect minor spec VVC D8 vB
#865 Typos and variable fixes in palette related text defect minor spec VVC D8 vB
#909 Alignment of sps_independent_subpics_flag with the decision from the meeting notes defect minor spec VVC D7 vD
#1028 NumEntryPoints in R0481 defect minor spec VVC D8 vB
#1066 Mismatch between spec and VTM in derivation process of ctxInc for the syntax element mtt_split_cu_vertical_flag defect minor spec VVC D8 vB
#1076 Mismatch between spec and VTM on assignment of ctxInc to amvr_precision_idx defect minor spec VVC D8 vB
#1079 Typo in derivation process of ctxInc for coeff_sign_flag defect minor spec VVC D8 vB
#739 sps_subpic_id_signalling_flag not defined defect trivial spec VVC D7 vE

Resolution: invalid (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#684 Misalignment between VTM and VVC draft for PDPC defect minor spec VVC D7 vC
#741 nal_unit_type for all pictures of a CVSS AU defect minor spec VVC D7 vE

Resolution: duplicate (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#872 Mismatch between spec and VTM in colour space conversion defect minor spec VVC D8 vB
#879 Typo for scaling list control in the slice_header( ) defect minor spec VVC D8 vB
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