Custom query (1557 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 1557)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1566 fixed VTM encoder hits assert with --ISPFast=1 and --EncDbOpt =1 Vadim

VTM encoder hits assert with --ISPFast=1 and --EncDbOpt=1 in debug mode (for example in AI), it seems ISPFast implementation has issues in mode cost comparison.

If CHECKD is changed to CHECK, the encoder will crash in release mode as well.

1848: CHECKD( bestCostDct2NoIsp <= bestIspCost, "wrong cost!" );

ERROR: In function "EncCu::xCheckRDCostIntra" in H:\VVCSoftware_VTM\source\Lib\EncoderLib\EncCu.cpp:1848: wrong cost!

Is this CHECKD correct?

#1565 fixed Invalid encoder memory access for EncDbOpt=1 and CHROMA_400 regensky

In case the deblocking filter is applied during RDO ('EncDbOpt=1') and the chroma format is CHROMA_400, the encoder accesses invalid memory in RdCost::getDistPart (L. 429, L. 433)`. This leads to a segmentation fault (L. 438).

The issue originates in EncCu::xCalDebCost (L. 4613, L. 4629):

ComponentID compEnd = ( cu->isSepTree() &&  isLuma( partitioner.chType ) ) ? COMPONENT_Y : COMPONENT_Cr;

COMPONENT_Cr is selected although CHROMA_400 features no COMPONENT_Cr.

This can be solved by replacing the corresponding lines with

ComponentID compEnd = isChromaEnabled(cu->chromaFormat) && !(cu->isSepTree() && isLuma(partitioner.chType)) ? COMPONENT_Cr : COMPONENT_Y;

Command line to reproduce the issue:

-c cfg/encoder_randomaccess_vtm.cfg
-i Tarsier_1920x1080_30fps_8bit_400.yuv
-wdt 1920
-hgt 1080
-fr 30
-f 1
-q 37
#1564 fixed Intra prediction ref pixel array bounds too small for wide angle swarrington

It appears that the range of the ref[] array specified in eq.332 contains insufficient samples for generating the prediction plane in the case of some rectangular regions. It seems it may be an equation error in the max bounds specified in eq.332.

Consider: nCbW = 64 nCbH = 4 nTbW = 32 nTbH = 4 cIdx = 0 IntraSubPartitionsSplitType = ISP_NO_SPLIT refIdx = 0 Unmapped predModeIntra = 13

  • eq.304 refW = nTbW*2 = 64
  • predModeIntra modified to 78 (whRatio= 5-2=3, predModeIntra < 8+2*whRatio, so predModeIntra += 65 ==> 78)
  • eq.332: max index for ref[] is refW+refIdx+x
    • max x index is (Max(1,nTbW/nTbH)*refIdx+1)=Max(1,32/4)*0+1=1
    • ref is populated up to refW+refIdx+x = 64+0+1 = 65
  • Table 24: intraPredAngle = 256 for predModeIntra=13
  • eq.333: predSamples[x][y] runs, reaching max y of 3
  • eq.333: iIdx = (((y+1+refIdx)*intraPredAngle)>>5)+refIdx = (((3+1+0)*256)>>5)+0 = 32
  • eq.336: predSamples uses ref[x+iIdx+i]
    • iIdx=32 and maximums of x=31 and i=3
    • max index of ref used is x+iIdx+i=31+32+3=66

However, per eq.332, ref is only populated up to max index of 65. So it seems this process is accessing an unitialized value of ref[66].

Examining the VTM code for equivalent bounds handling to eq.332 in xPredIntraAng():

const int log2Ratio = floorLog2(width) - floorLog2(height); const int s = std::max<int>(0, bIsModeVer ? log2Ratio : -log2Ratio); const int maxIndex = (multiRefIdx << s) + 2; const Pel val = refMain[refLength + multiRefIdx]; for (int z = 1; z <= maxIndex; z++) {

refMain[refLength + multiRefIdx + z] = val;


Per the spec eq.332, max index when refIdx==0 is refW+refIdx+x=64+0+(...*0) + 1 == 65, while for VTM maxIndex it is refLength+multiRefIdx+z = 64+0+(0<<...) + 2 == 66.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.