Custom query (1414 matches)


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Results (1301 - 1400 of 1414)

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#218 Bug in MCTS when DMVR is used defect minor VTM-4.1 VTM
#222 SCC TGM sequence performance drop from VTM-4.0 to VTM-4.0.1 due to HashME defect major VTM-4.1 VTM
#229 M0101_HLS - Byte Alignment Backwards defect minor VTM-4.1 VTM
#188 Encoder crash when set MaxNumMergeCand less than 4 defect minor VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#193 getIBCMergeCandidates() does not consider JVET_M0170_MRG_SHARELIST defect minor VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#195 Mismatch on class F when AMVR is off and IBC is on defect major VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#196 Enc/Dec mismatch for Inter MTS in class F defect minor VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#197 Mismatch between parallel and sequential encoding under RA conditions defect major VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#199 bug in shaper for high bitdepth defect minor VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#200 NULL-pointer crash of VTM 4.0.1rc1 in HDR config after JVET_M0428_ENC_DB_OPT integration defect critical VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#202 pcm data signaled before pred_mode at encoder defect minor VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#133 Tool flags are added to SPSNext() defect minor VTM-4.0 VTM
#149 CPR and reference picture reordering crashes decoder defect minor VTM-4.0 VTM
#153 MMVD selects GBI index from invalid array defect minor VTM-4.0 VTM
#155 M0264 HMVP with GBI Index sets GBI index incorrectly defect minor VTM-4.0 VTM
#159 Encoder/decoder mismatch defect blocker VTM-4.0 VTM
#160 Windows debug release version coding results not the same for some frames defect major VTM-4.0 VTM
#161 valgrind reports many errors in DepQuant.cpp defect major VTM-4.0 VTM
#162 valgrind reports errors in BestEncInfoCache::isValid defect major VTM-4.0 VTM
#163 DebugBitstream broken defect minor VTM-4.0 VTM
#164 Deblocking filter doesn't use correct data for IBC blocks defect major VTM-4.0 VTM
#168 Interaction between M0140 (SBT) and M0297 (MTS Zero Out) defect minor VTM-4.0 VTM
#170 Draft/software misalignment for M0421 defect minor VTM-4.0 VTM
#171 Encoder crash: Negative shift in TrQuant.cpp defect major VTM-4.0 VTM
#174 SW and Spec mismatch related to wide angle defect minor VTM-4.0 VTM
#176 reshaper and hash ME may use wrong IBC mode indication defect minor VTM-4.0 VTM
#177 Encoder decoder mismatch for VTM-4.0rc1 defect major VTM-4.0 VTM
#178 valgrind error related to JVET-M0823 defect minor VTM-4.0 VTM
#181 Fix of the DQP signaling when there are multiple luma TUs defect minor VTM-4.0 VTM
#184 JVET-M0908 (deblocking): mismatch between text and software defect minor VTM-4.0 VTM
#167 Spec issue related to integration of JVET-M0238 defect major VVC D4 v2 spec
#175 Incorrect derivation of CCLM parameter b defect major VVC D4 v2 spec
#148 ClipH function issue defect minor VVC D4 v1 spec
#154 Availability check for CPR/IBC chroma CU reference block is missing defect major VVC D4 v1 spec
#121 wrong memory bandwidth calculation in BIO and CPR defect minor VTM-3.1 VTM
#123 Failed to compile with ENABLE_TRACING==1 defect minor VTM-3.1 VTM
#125 Encoder and decoder mismatch when ConstrainedIntraPred is turned on defect minor VTM-3.1 VTM
#129 CPR in VTM can result in different results depending on platform defect minor VTM-3.1 VTM
#130 Incorrect scaling operation in triangle list derivation defect minor VTM-3.1 VTM
#134 VTM can result in different kbps under different platform XiangLi defect major VTM-3.1 VTM
#138 compilation error when JVET_J0090_MEMORY_BANDWITH_MEASURE set to 1 defect minor VTM-3.1 VTM
#140 inconsistent results when CPR is on XiangLi defect major VTM-3.1 VTM
#141 Memory release problem in HMVP XiangLi defect minor VTM-3.1 VTM
#131 Small issues and typos in affine and subblock TMVP specification text defect minor VVC D3 v5 spec
#81 Bit-stream switching causes encoder-decoder mismatches defect major VTM-3.0 BMS
#95 bug in REMOVE_MV_ADAPT_PREC for VTM-2.2 defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#96 Segmentation fault with low delay P config after JVET-L0646 integration defect blocker VTM-3.0 VTM
#98 Incorrect derivation of chroma-tree split context defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#101 VTM3.0rc1 HDR compilation fails defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#103 potential MV rounding bug during AMVP candidates generation defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#104 Incorrect position derivation In setMaxMinDepth() defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#107 use of not resize static_vector defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#108 unitialized memory use in VTM-3.0rc1 defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#109 use of proprietary macro _DEBUG defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#110 Incorrect affine mv and mv predictor precision is used in GBI defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#111 /MT option for MSVC breaks build with older CMake version defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#113 memory issue with JVET_L0266_HMVP defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#114 Decoder does not work with SubPuMvp=0 defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#115 Buggy rate estimation in estIntraPredLumaQT defect critical VTM-3.0 VTM
#116 VTM3.0_rc1 encoder crashes when AFFINE_MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS is set to less than 5 defect minor VTM-3.0 VTM
#97 ALF CTU control flag(s) issue defect major VVC D3 v2 spec
#92 Clipping is missing in luma/chroma sample interpolation processes defect minor VVC D3 v1 spec
#83 Missing inter MTS code in VTM2.0.1 defect minor VTM-2.2 VTM
#82 Zeroing-out of high frequency transform coefficients for large TUs (> 32x32) is missing in the spec defect major VVC D2 v7 spec
#85 Spec issues related to MTS defect major VVC D2 v7 spec
#75 Bottom and right boundary partition issue bbross defect minor VVC D2 v6 spec
#86 Potential issue with reference sample filtering process in VVC D2 v4 defect minor VVC D2 v6 spec
#90 Typos in copying the control point vectors to temporal notion vectors defect minor VVC D2 v6 spec
#71 Typos in VVC D2 v4 bbross defect minor VVC D2 v5 spec
#72 Potential issue with CCLM specification text in VVC D2 v4 defect minor VVC D2 v5 spec
#84 encoder bug for affine 6-parameter search defect minor BMS-2.1 BMS
#87 BMS software bug on 64x64 ternary split restriction defect minor BMS-2.1 BMS
#76 different coding results in debug and release version defect major BMS-2.0.1 BMS
#77 Accessing uninitialized memory in intra prediction PDPC/WAIP defect minor BMS-2.0.1 BMS
#63 Bug fix of the case when both WCG_EXT and FULL_NBIT macro is 1. defect minor BMS-2.0 BMS
#74 VTM-2.0rc1 decoder crash under certain configuration XiangLi defect minor BMS-2.0 VTM
#68 Typo in section 6.4.1 bbross defect minor VVC D2 v4 spec
#65 typos and unused variables in section 6.4 defect minor VVC D2 v2 spec
#67 Implicit vertical BT split at picture boundary issue defect minor VVC D2 v2 spec
#57 Inconsistent comparison of invalid motion vectors defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-7.2 JEM
#58 issue on full size PERP coding defect critical HM-16.6-JEM-7.2 360Lib
#55 #pragma optimize("", off) in JEM7.0 defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-7.1 JEM
#50 Macro error related to EMT defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-6.1 JEM
#53 Wrong initialization of multi-value input fields in TAppEncCfg for WCG. defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-6.1 JEM
#54 Bug in RSP Projection defect major HM-16.6-JEM-6.1 360Lib
#48 Memory size for m_entropyBits defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-6.0 JEM
#41 Bug related to parallel processing where float-point QP is used defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-5.1 JEM
#43 Different coding performance when D0127 is on/off defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-5.1 JEM
#44 Inconsistent implementation of zero-out for large transforms defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-5.1 JEM
#45 Console output error of nQP when LCU level rate control is enabled defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-5.1 JEM
#46 Assertion failed with --ASR=1 defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-5.1 JEM
#42 CTU bits/distortion calculation mistake for I slice when QTBT is enabled defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-4.2 JEM
#36 Floating-point QP not working defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-4.1 JEM
#37 m_pppcPredYuvBest buffer correction defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-4.1 JEM
#39 encoder bug of delta QP defect trivial HM-16.6-JEM-4.1 JEM
#40 ALF crash when image height is greater than image width defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-4.1 JEM
#25 Encoder bugs in quantization when QTBT is enabled defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-4.0 JEM
#32 INIT_LAST in not intialized properly defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-4.0 JEM
#33 Block level IC flag may be on when slice level IC flag is off defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-4.0 JEM
#24 Define JVET_C0024_QTBT off cause compile error defect minor HM-16.6-JEM-3.2 JEM
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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