Custom query (1414 matches)


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Results (1401 - 1414 of 1414)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#159 Encoder/decoder mismatch defect blocker VTM-4.0 VTM
#440 Issue on cu_skip_flag defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#623 Typos and undefined variables in ACT related text defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#845 Issue on modeTypeCondition derivation defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#986 The range for PaletteEscapeVal in semantics defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1030 Wrong chroma ALF virtual boundary position for 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 sequences defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1052 Bad cast from short * to int * in JVET-R0327 integration defect blocker VTM-9.0 VTM
#1059 Issue on ApplyLfnstFlag defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1067 The discrepancies between PROF with affine AMVP and PROF with affine MERGE defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1073 MotionModelIdc undefined when cu_affine_type_flag is not present defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1114 Address the editor's note on 4x4 affine MC for chroma components. defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1116 In of JVET-R2001.doc, whRatio should be set equal to Abs(Log2(nH/nW)) when nH is greater than nW defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1124 Incomplete definition of local dual tree defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1600 GCC 13.1 requires '#include <cstdint>' in several headers defect blocker VTM
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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