Custom query (1413 matches)


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Results (1401 - 1413 of 1413)

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1019 Naming of same_qp_table_for_chroma defect trivial spec
#1047 Typo in a note defect trivial spec
#1058 LMCS APS data regarding aps_chroma_present_flag defect trivial spec
#1065 typo in sh_picture_header_in_slice_header_flag semantic constraint defect trivial spec
#1098 bug in DMVR bounding box calculation defect trivial spec
#1388 Typo in vps_ols_dpb_bitdepth_minus8 semantics defect trivial spec
#1412 A typo in (gci_no_aps_constraint_flag semantics) defect trivial spec
#1416 A typo in D.3.2 (bp_num_cpb_removal_delay_deltas_minus1) defect trivial spec
#1426 Wrong place for initialization of bestBcwCost defect trivial VTM-11.0 VTM
#1460 Missing reset of violatesMtsCoeffConstraint defect trivial VTM-12.0 VTM
#1518 Minor bug in xInitSPS that wrongly checks virtualBoundariesEnabledFlag() instead of virtualBoundariesPresentFlag() defect trivial VTM
#1532 Outdated VUI parameters (vui_UHD_PQ, vui_HD.cfg ) defect trivial VTM-16.0 VTM
#1569 Minor whitespace issues in coding unit syntax defect trivial spec
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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