Custom query (1414 matches)


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Results (601 - 700 of 1414)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#1194 Inputs for Section defect minor spec
#1195 Calling subclause defect minor spec
#1196 Typo in variable names defect minor spec
#1197 Order of operations in Eq 251 defect minor spec
#1198 Unnecessary input for defect minor spec
#1199 Typos in Section defect minor spec
#1200 Incorrect spelling of "inferred" defect minor spec
#1202 Redundant condition in defect minor spec
#1204 "prediction block" is undefined defect minor spec
#1205 "coding subblock" is undefined defect minor spec
#1206 Bug in affine fallback mode trigger ( defect minor spec
#1207 Wrong font size inside formula 689 defect minor spec
#1208 Undefined array fL ( defect minor spec
#1209 Typo in input cpIdx range in subclause defect minor spec
#1210 Editorial issue in defect minor spec
#1211 Tb size 128 in Table 23 defect minor spec
#1212 Rounding in Eq 326 defect minor spec
#1213 Order of operations in Eq 352 defect minor spec
#1215 Unnecessary condition for equation (983) and (984) in S2001-vD defect minor spec
#1216 Out of bounds array access ( defect minor spec
#1217 Unit of input location ( defect minor spec
#1218 Bad definition of range notation (5.7) defect minor spec
#1219 Typo in variable name ( defect minor spec
#1220 Issue on coordinates derivation for TMVP (,,, and defect minor spec
#1221 Text/SW mismatch CIIP deblocking ( defect minor spec
#1222 Error in semantics of sig_coeff_flag defect minor spec
#1224 gci_no_mtt_constraint_flag descriptor defect minor spec
#1225 Typo in 7.4.11 defect minor spec
#1226 Infinite loop in Section defect minor spec
#1228 Typo defect minor spec
#1232 Typos in VPS semantics defect minor spec
#1233 Typo in defect minor spec
#1236 Transform block edge not clearly defined ( defect minor spec
#1237 Subblock edges and filtering across picture, subpicture, tile and slice boundaries ( defect minor spec
#1238 Mismatch between Spec and VTM for deriving sliceWidthInTiles[ i + j ] (6.5.1) defect minor spec
#1239 Sample value, sample, or sample location? ( defect minor spec
#1240 Editorial fixes on semantics of SPS and PH syntax related to size constraints on CU partitioning ( and defect minor spec
#1241 Deblocking and joint CbCr ( defect minor spec
#1242 Editorial suggestions defect minor spec
#1243 Motion discontinuities, Geo mode and deblocking ( defect minor spec
#1245 Too much bumping (C.5.2.2) defect minor spec
#1246 C.5.2.1 is confusing defect minor spec
#1247 Max DPB size (A.4.2) defect minor spec
#1248 Typo in slice header syntax defect minor spec
#1249 Typo in slice header syntax defect minor spec
#1250 Editorial: naming inconsistency for CCALF-related syntax elements defect minor spec
#1251 Typo in Eq 112 - Section 7.4.8 defect minor spec
#1252 ValMps is not stored ( defect minor spec
#1253 Missing space ( defect minor spec
#1254 Subblock incorrectly called sub-block ( defect minor spec
#1256 A typo in in Derivation process of boundary filtering strength defect minor spec
#1257 Editorial: deletion of extra "profile" (A3.3) defect minor spec
#1258 Conformance for Multilayer Main 10 4:4:4 (A3.4) defect minor spec
#1259 a typo in semantics of sps_sbt_enabled_flag defect minor spec
#1260 Capital letter missing. enhancement minor spec
#1261 mismatch on inverse transform shift in 1-D transform defect major spec
#1265 Typo in defect minor spec
#1266 treeType in Coding tree semantics defect minor spec
#1267 Unmatched parenthesis in - Coding unit syntax defect minor spec
#1268 Missing bracket at end of for loop defect minor spec
#1269 Typo in defect minor spec
#1270 Unmatched parenthesis in - Transform unit syntax defect minor spec
#1271 Unmatched parenthesis in - Residual coding syntax defect minor spec
#1272 Typos in residual_ts_coding( ) defect minor spec
#1273 typo in semantics of gci_one_au_only_constraint_flag defect minor spec
#1274 clarity improvement for DMVR bounding box enhancement minor spec
#1275 Wrong indent in defect minor spec
#1276 Typo of xIntL, yIntL, xFracL, and yFracL defect minor spec
#1277 "top-left" (with hyphen) and "top left" (without hyphen) defect minor spec
#1278 Typos in Table 127 defect minor spec
#1279 Typo in Table 51 defect minor spec
#1280 Subclause number missing in defect minor spec
#1281 Typo in defect minor spec
#1282 Unnecessary input for defect minor spec
#1284 Confusing language in profile definitions (A.3.1) defect minor spec
#1286 LTRP_A_ERICSSON_1: current picture in reference picture list defect minor Conformance
#1287 Order of operations in Table 127 defect minor spec
#1290 Issue with ISP when nTbH = 1 defect minor spec
#1293 availability flags availableFlagConstK are not initialized defect minor spec
#1294 Issue with SPS parameter set update defect minor VTM
#1295 Typo in defect minor spec
#1299 Missing initialization of subpic_treated_as_pic_flag when not present defect minor VTM
#1300 Possibility of PredFlagL1 to be 1 in P Slice when subblokc-based temporal merging candidate is chosen defect minor spec
#1301 Missing assignment of predFlagLXSbCol in defect minor spec
#1302 Table 125 - Context initialization table for abs_level_gtx_flag in wrong order defect minor spec
#1303 Mismatch of condition for chroma process in LMCS ( compared with VTM defect minor spec
#1304 Incorrect indent in defect minor spec
#1305 Inconsistent input block size (cb / tb) used which may result in incorrect decoding result in defect minor spec
#1307 Rows / columns swapped in angular prediction Equation 341 defect minor spec
#1308 Inconsistent use of IsAvailable for chroma defect minor spec
#1309 BcwIdx used before it is assigned defect minor spec
#1310 Typo in qpInVal defect minor spec
#1311 Typos in defect minor spec
#1313 Typos in defect minor spec
#1314 Unnecessary variables in Section defect minor spec
#1315 Typos in Section defect minor spec
#1316 Typos in Sections and Section defect minor spec
#1317 Missing inputs for Section defect minor spec
#1318 Typos in Section defect minor spec
#1321 BDOF conditions in defect minor spec
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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