

15 Feb 2017:

19:39 WikiStart edited by ksuehring
clarify text (diff)
19:38 WikiStart edited by ksuehring
add 360Lib (diff)
19:19 Ticket #43 (Different coding performance when D0127 is on/off) closed by XiangLi
fixed: Fixed in r435

14 Feb 2017:

11:46 Milestone HM-16.6-JEM-5.0 completed

20 Jan 2017:

11:46 Milestone HM-16.6-JEM-4.2 completed

17 Jan 2017:

09:14 Ticket #43 (Different coding performance when D0127 is on/off) created by pohanlin
In JEM4 software, the following code in TEncSearch.cpp causes …
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