

25 Sep 2020:

16:32 Ticket #1388 (Typo in vps_ols_dpb_bitdepth_minus8 semantics) created by fbossen
deoder should be decoder in NOTE 2
08:17 Ticket #1387 (6.5.3: wrong loop variable in equation 26) created by fbossen
for( x = 0; y < blkWidth; y++ ) should most likely be for( x = 0; x …
08:05 Ticket #1385 (Adaptive maximum BT size doesn't reset on IRAP) closed by XiangLi
fixed: Fixed as suggested.
01:47 Ticket #1386 (Typo near equation (90) in JVET-S2001-vH) created by auyeung
The i = 0..64 should be i = 0..63 in the following text near …

24 Sep 2020:

17:07 Ticket #1385 (Adaptive maximum BT size doesn't reset on IRAP) created by fbossen
In the VTM encoder the statistics to adaptively determine a maximum BT …
14:55 Ticket #1384 (10b422_C_Sony_2: Incorrect checksums because of deblocking bug) created by fbossen
#1353 (deblocking in presence of ISP CUs) leads VTM 10.0 to produce …
14:49 Ticket #1286 (LTRP_A_ERICSSON_1: current picture in reference picture list) closed by fbossen
fixed: Fixed in LTRP_A_ERICSSON_2

17 Sep 2020:

18:25 Ticket #1383 (Incorrect APS management in multilayer streams) closed by XiangLi
fixed: Fixed as suggested.

16 Sep 2020:

02:05 Ticket #1383 (Incorrect APS management in multilayer streams) created by fbossen
The ALF encoder appears to have two issues: - it may incorrectly reuse …

15 Sep 2020:

22:08 Ticket #1382 (Decoder checkRPL failure with multilayer stream) created by fbossen
The decoder reports the following error: ERROR: In function "checkRPL" …
11:47 Ticket #1381 (Typo of alf_ctb_cc_cr_idc in created by XieFuchun
“alf_ctb_cc_cr_idc[ xCtb >> CtbLog2SizeY ][ yCtb >> CtbLog2SizeY ] …
11:46 Ticket #1380 (Typo of alf_ctb_cc_cb_idc in created by XieFuchun
“alf_ctb_cc_cb_idc[ xCtb >> CtbLog2SizeY ][ yCtb >> CtbLog2SizeY ] …

14 Sep 2020:

23:30 Ticket #1373 (Repeated conversion of the Intra Chroma minQT setting from chroma unit ...) closed by XiangLi
fixed: Fixed as suggested.
20:24 Ticket #1093 (Bugs in BPSEI and PTSEI) closed by XiangLi
fixed: Fixed in …
20:24 Ticket #1291 (Mismatch between spec and software in BPSEI and PTSEI) closed by XiangLi
fixed: Fixed in …
11:12 Ticket #1379 (Undefined behaviour when pps_rpl1_idx_present_flag == 0, and ...) created by forayr
In rpl_sps[i] semantics, the following inference rules are present: …

11 Sep 2020:

15:32 Ticket #1378 (Incorrect pps_tile_idx_delta_val[i] range) created by kerzhy
In the ranges of pps_tile_idx_delta_val[i] are specified …

9 Sep 2020:

19:37 Ticket #1320 (Missing the process of decoding NAL_UNIT_FD when filler data NAL units ...) closed by ksuehring
fixed: Resolved in VTM 10.1
19:08 Ticket #1377 (Split parallelism is broken in VTM (8a621a2b)) created by adamjw
In a recent version of VTM (8a621a2b), the split-parallelism is …
17:03 Ticket #1376 (Decoder crash in decoding a multiple CVS bitstream) created by rickxu
Attached is a bitstream containing two CVS. It was generated by …
16:12 Ticket #1375 (Decoder crash in decoding the second independent layer in a multilayer ...) created by rickxu
VTM10.0 decoder crashed when decoding a multilayer bitstream …
14:29 Ticket #1374 (Decoder crash in multilayer coding) created by chhuanb
Decoder crush when decoding the attached bistream generated by …
10:04 Ticket #1373 (Repeated conversion of the Intra Chroma minQT setting from chroma unit ...) created by wangyang.cs
The Intra Chroma minQT setting is converted from chroma unit to luma …

8 Sep 2020:

23:51 Ticket #1372 (Incorrect top-left and bottom-right ALF padding) created by bheng
In Sections,,, and, the variable hx is …
23:47 Ticket #1371 (Incorrect subpicture boundaries) created by bheng
In equation 113, I believe SubpicRightBoundaryPos and …

7 Sep 2020:

21:58 Ticket #1018 (Bug on calculation of dec_max_pic_buffering_minus1 in VTM) closed by vdrugeon
21:32 Ticket #1370 (Memory leak in `EncCu::xCheckRDCostMergeGeo2Nx2N`) created by dumas
Using VTM-10 compiled with Address Sanitizer, when encoding a video …

5 Sep 2020:

03:12 Ticket #1369 (Motion vector wrapping with AMVR) created by bheng
Motion vector wrapping to 18-bit range, like below, occurs in several …
01:32 Ticket #1368 (Interpolation filters for affine RPR) created by bheng
The interpolation filter selection for affine interpolation with RPR …

4 Sep 2020:

22:55 Ticket #1367 (Indexing of BdpcmFlag for chroma) created by bheng
Section includes the following condition: BdpcmFlag[ …
17:56 Ticket #1366 (Inference of cu_skip_flag and tu_y_coded_flag for dual tree IBC) created by bheng
1.) If "when not present" in the following statements is interpreted …
17:17 Ticket #1365 (Indexing of IBC predSamples in Section 8.6.3) created by bheng
Since luma location ( xCb, yCb ) is a position within the picture, not …
17:14 Ticket #1364 (Typos in IBC text) created by bheng
Section The mvL should be replaced by bvL in the …

3 Sep 2020:

11:22 Ticket #1305 (Inconsistent input block size (cb / tb) used which may result in ...) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch thanks! This will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH as suggested in …
01:03 Ticket #1363 (Typo in closed by yk
fixed: Thanks! Will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH.

2 Sep 2020:

23:24 Ticket #1363 (Typo in created by bheng
There is an extra right bracket after resSamples[ i ][ j ] in the …
23:02 Ticket #1362 (Order of operations in LMCS equations) closed by yk
fixed: Good catch! Thanks! Will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH.
21:56 Ticket #1362 (Order of operations in LMCS equations) created by bheng
I believe the LMCS equations below all need an extra parenthesis …
20:19 Ticket #1361 (Missing the text of level restrictions on maximum tile width for line ...) closed by yk
fixed: Thanks. Will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH.
12:07 Ticket #1361 (Missing the text of level restrictions on maximum tile width for line ...) created by mikeda
In the Brussels meeting, JVET-Q0065 which is "Level restrictions on …
01:31 Ticket #1360 (Missing input parameters nCbW an nCbH in recursive call of 8.5.8) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch and thanks for reporting ;) This will be fixed in …
00:16 Ticket #1359 (Hemisphere cubemap sample location adjustment ( closed by yk
fixed: Thanks. Will be fixed in JVET-S2007-v7.

1 Sep 2020:

22:20 Ticket #1360 (Missing input parameters nCbW an nCbH in recursive call of 8.5.8) created by bbross
When "8.5.8 8.5.8 Decoding process for the residual signal of coding …
05:05 Ticket #1356 (Range of refT and refL for MIP in closed by jlchen
fixed: Ok, let's take Brian's initial bug fix, and close this ticket for now.
04:22 Ticket #1359 (Hemisphere cubemap sample location adjustment ( created by LouiseLee
In, the process is for adjusting sample locations to the …
01:41 Ticket #1358 (Issues with ISP transform splitting) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for reporting Brian and Santi for providing a fix. This will be …
01:30 Ticket #1357 (Context derivation for last_sig_coeff_x_prefix with ISP TU size 2) closed by bbross
fixed: Right, thanks! Will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH as you suggested.
00:44 Ticket #1358 (Issues with ISP transform splitting) created by bheng
In, the IntraSubPartitionsSplitType seems to be used without …
00:25 Ticket #1357 (Context derivation for last_sig_coeff_x_prefix with ISP TU size 2) created by bheng
For ISP, I believe the offsetY table in Equation (1525) needs another …

31 Aug 2020:

23:37 Ticket #1351 (Uninitialized predFlagLXConstK in Section closed by jlchen
fixed: Thanks for comfirmation.
21:05 Ticket #1356 (Range of refT and refL for MIP in created by bheng
In Section, in the following sentence: "For the …
20:34 Ticket #1355 (Merge index for GPM candidate 1) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH.
20:31 Ticket #1354 (Motion vector storage for GPM mode) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thank! This will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH by changing the …
20:26 Ticket #1352 (ALF processing range in and closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH by changing …
20:18 Ticket #1349 (Incorrect input for closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! The extra input will be removed in JVET-S2001-vH.
20:12 Ticket #1347 (Incorrect prediction sample offset when BDOF is disabled by DMVR) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for bringing that up Brian and Huanbang for suggesting the fix. …
19:45 Ticket #1346 (Table 90 - Context initialization table for amvr_precision_idx is incorrect) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH.
19:41 Ticket #1341 (Issues with the modification of tC for bit depth less than 10) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for reporting that. Although this does not seems to impact the …
19:25 Ticket #1340 (Edge range in closed by bbross
fixed: Right, thanks! The will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH by adding the …
19:18 Ticket #1338 (Use of sh_deblocking_filter_disabled_flag in closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! I would fix that in JVET-S2001-vH similar to how …
18:38 Ticket #1337 (Incorrect outputs for Subclause 8.5.8) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks, good but tricky catch! Recursion is beast here but I tried to …
17:15 Ticket #1335 (Indexing of resSamples in Section 8.5.8) closed by bbross
fixed: This will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH as suggested by Jianle.
17:07 Ticket #1355 (Merge index for GPM candidate 1) created by bheng
Equation (639) needs an extra parenthesis to get the intended result, …
17:04 Ticket #1354 (Motion vector storage for GPM mode) created by bheng
Equations 1043 to 1051 are missing an offset for the coding block …
17:00 Ticket #1322 (Indexing of predSamples in Section closed by bbross
fixed: Thansk for checking and reopening. The array indices will be fixed as …
16:50 Ticket #1314 (Unnecessary variables in Section closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for checking and reopening! The unnecessary sentence will be …
16:48 Ticket #1313 (Typos in closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks for checking and reopening! WIll be fixed according to your …
16:43 Ticket #1308 (Inconsistent use of IsAvailable for chroma) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed JVET-S2001-vH by changing the …
16:10 Ticket #1307 (Rows / columns swapped in angular prediction Equation 341) closed by bbross
fixed: Thanks, you're right and good catch! This will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH.
16:07 Ticket #1302 (Table 125 - Context initialization table for abs_level_gtx_flag in ...) closed by bbross
fixed: Good catch, thanks! This will be fixed in JVET-S2001-vH by swapping: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.