Custom query (11 matches)


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Status: closed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#270 Mismatch encode decode defect minor VVC D5 v7 fixed
#273 Wrong HMVP table size defect minor VVC D5 v7 fixed
#274 Undefined variable sGxGym and sGxGys in spec defect minor VVC D5 v7 fixed
#275 Typo in bdofUtilizationFlag indexing defect minor VVC D5 v7 fixed
#292 Minor TrafoSkip Residual Coding Issues defect minor VVC D5 v7 fixed
#298 typo in IBC BV candidate list derivation defect minor VVC D5 v7 fixed
#299 VVC Draft 5 v7: minor corrections defect minor VVC D5 v7 fixed
#302 CBF flags syntax and semantics defect minor VVC D5 v7 fixed
#306 Redundant clipping in enhancement minor VVC D7 vE fixed
#307 DMVR subblock boundary is processed as subblock boudnary in deblocking filter defect minor VVC D5 v7 fixed
#308 Mismatch on longer tap deblocking filter between spec and VTM defect minor VVC D5 v7 fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.