Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#299 closed defect (fixed)

VVC Draft 5 v7: minor corrections

Reported by: geertv Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: VVC D5 v8
Component: spec Version: VVC D5 v7
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, bbross, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


Minor suggested corrections: Transform unit syntax
if( ( IntraSubPartitionsSplitType = = ISP_NO_SPLIT && !( cu_sbt_flag &&

( ( subTuIndex = = 0 && cu_sbt_pos_flag ) | |

( subTuIndex = = 1 && !cu_sbt_pos_flag ) ) ) &&

( CuPredMode[ x0 ][ y0 ] != MODE_INTRA | |

tu_cbf_cb[ x0 ][ y0 ] | | tu_cbf_cb[ x0 ][ y0 ] ) ) | |

( IntraSubPartitionsSplitType != ISP_NO_SPLIT &&
( subTuIndex < NumIntraSubPartitions − 1 | | InferTuCbfLuma ) ) )

=> second tu_cbf_cb -> tu_cbf_cr

8.4.1 General decoding process for coding units coded in intra prediction mode

  1. The variable MipSizeId[ x ][ y ] for x = xCb + cbWidth..xCb + cbWidth − 1 and y = yCb..yCb + cbHeight − 1 is derived as follows:

=> x = xCb..xCb + cbWidth − 1

8.4.2 Derivation process for MIP mode
– Otherwise, candMipModeX is derived using IntraPredModeY[ xNbX ][ yNbX ] and MipSizeId[ xCb ][ yCb ] as specified in Table 8-4.
=> Table 8-1

  1. For i equal to 0 to 2, inclusive, when IntraPredModeY[ xCb ][ yCb ] is greater than or equal to candMipModeList[ i ], the value of IntraPredModeY[ xCb ][ yCb ] is incremented by one.

=> i = 0..2 MIP reference sample derivation process
The neighboring samples => neighbouring Reference sample substitution process

  1. For x = 0..refW − 1, y = −1, when refUnfilt[ x ][ y ] is marked as "not available for intra prediction", the value of refUnfilt[ x ][ y ] is set equal to the value of refUnfilt[ x − 1 ][ y ].


  1. For x = -refIdx..refW − 1, y = −1 - refIdx, when refUnfilt[ x ][ y ] is marked as "not available for intra prediction", the value of refUnfilt[ x ][ y ] is set equal to the value of refUnfilt[ x − 1 ][ y ]. Specification of INTRA_ANGULAR2..INTRA_ANGULAR66 intra prediction modes
If one or more of the following conditions is true, filterFlag is set equal to 0.
– predModeIntra is equal to INTRA_ANGULAR2, INTRA_ANGULAR34 or INTRA_ANGULAR66
=> modes are missing:

  • refFilterFlag is equal to 1 (modes 0, −14, −12, −10, −6, 2, 34, 66, 72, 76, 78, 80)

If one mor more of the following conditions is true, filterFlag is set equal to 1:
=> If one or more Specification of INTRA_LT_CCLM, INTRA_L_CCLM and INTRA_T_CCLM intra prediction mode
The number of available neighbouring chroma samples on the top and top-right numTopSamp and the number of available neighbouring chroma samples on the left and left-below nLeftSamp are derived as follows:
=> numTopSamp -> numSampT, nLeftSamp -> numSampL

  1. The neighbouring luma samples samples pY[ x ][ y ] are derived as follows:

=> remove 'samples' Weighted sample prediction process for combined merge and intra prediction
Formula (8-804) => extra ")" to be deleted

Change history (1)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by bbross

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Fixed in D5 v8

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