Custom query (6 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#1603 The array mvFieldNeighbours of the class MergeCtx has overflowed. defect major VTM VTM-20.0
#1596 Encoding crash when DeltaQpRD is used defect minor VTM VTM-20.0
#1597 Incorrect parsing of nnpfc_constant_patch_size_flag defect minor VTM VTM-20.0
#1598 Y4M reader not handling chroma-format `420mpeg2` correctly defect minor VTM VTM-20.0
#1599 Decoding a Y4M encoded bitstream do not retain framerate defect minor VTM VTM-20.0
#1604 NNPFC SEI constraints related to frame-rate upsampling purpose are not reached defect minor VTM VTM-20.0
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.