Custom query (6 matches)


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Status: closed (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#1576 VTM18.0 compile error on Linux defect major fixed
#1577 VTM 18.0 compiled on Linux in debug mode with range extension decodes incorrectly v1 conformance streams defect major fixed
#1578 VTM 18.0 compiled on Linux in debug mode with range extension decodes incorrectly some v2 conformance streams defect major fixed
#1574 wrong sps and pps IDs are used in multilayer encoding (scalable) in xWriteOutput() function defect minor fixed
#1575 ALF encoder erases APS of other layers in multilayer context defect minor fixed
#1580 wrong reference picture list L1 for incomplete GOP (typically last chunk) defect minor fixed
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