Custom query (12 matches)


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Status: closed (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#191 DebugBitstream broken by M0427 initialization defect major VTM VTM-4.0
#214 M0147 - Mismatch of an adopted element(25 points) in VTM defect major VTM VTM-4.0
#222 SCC TGM sequence performance drop from VTM-4.0 to VTM-4.0.1 due to HashME defect major VTM VTM-4.0.1
#173 M0427 reshaping not being applied to lossless/PCM blocks defect minor VTM VTM-4.0rc1
#185 Compilation error with JVET_M0140_SBT when JVET_M0464_UNI_MTS is disabled defect minor VTM
#194 Decoder does not compile when REUSE_CU_RESULTS is deactivated defect minor VTM VTM-4.0
#211 M0483 IBC Bugs defect minor VTM VTM-4.0
#212 Inferred value of sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag defect minor VTM VTM-4.0
#213 M0277 FIX_PCM_DISABLEFILTER broken defect minor VTM VTM-4.0
#217 misalignment between VTM and spec text regarding MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS enhancement minor VTM VTM-4.0.1
#218 Bug in MCTS when DMVR is used defect minor VTM
#229 M0101_HLS - Byte Alignment Backwards defect minor VTM VTM-4.0.1
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