Custom query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#399 Bug on IBC decoding process defect closed minor
#394 Bug on motion vector storing process for triangle merge mode. defect closed minor VVC D6 vE
#395 Error in Derivation process of coding subblock boundary defect closed minor VVC D6 vE
#396 Error regarding tC derivation for chroma deblocking in equation 8-1137 defect closed minor VVC D6 vE
#397 Mismatch with vtm on CclmEnabled derivation defect closed minor VVC D6 vE
#401 Not aligned right bracket after pred_mode_plt_flag defect closed minor
#398 Spec text fix for zero-out in primary transformation process (Clause defect closed minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.