Custom query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Keywords Status Owner Type Priority
#507 Signalling of RPL in slice header of IDR picture IDR, RPL new defect minor
#620 MSYS2/MinGW/GCC9: InterpolationFilter_avx.cpp: x86 compile trying to use x86-64 intrinsics x86 assembler build new defect blocker
#683 Encoder fails (core dump) after first picture when using a different coding structure coding structure new defect minor
#1611 Segmentation fault occurred on VTM-21.0 with the two-layer-independent configuration on specific sequences under the lowdelay configuration. multi-layer new defect minor
#1612 PO-SEI cannot process correctly using the default configuration file. PO-SEI new defect minor
#1619 [Multilayer Profiles] Potential Mismatch of VTM22.0 & Specification Related To Derivation Process For Merge Motion Vector Difference Multilayer new defect minor
#1614 Select maximun and minimun TU size TU, QuadtreeTULog2MinSize, QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize new task minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.