Custom query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Version Status Owner Type Priority
#721 encoder crash for 444 coding of VTM master branch new defect minor
#1530 --SPSNR_NN flag not responding new defect minor
#1619 [Multilayer Profiles] Potential Mismatch of VTM22.0 & Specification Related To Derivation Process For Merge Motion Vector Difference new defect minor
#1620 Parcat not dropping prefix_sei NAL units for IDR pictures of non-first parallel segments new defect minor
#1643 reconstructed video display problem for UpscaledOutput=1 when enable RPR new defect minor
#207 VTM + 360Lib tries to read input/reference file even is E2E quality metrics are not enabled new defect major
#1591 wrong bitstream and erroneous picheader values when Affine disabled and scaled reference (scalable or RPR) new defect major
#1645 [misalignment] sbtmvp eanbling condition in CU level new defect major
#1646 [misalignment] condition to use of tempMV from sbtmvp candidate new defect major
#1647 [misalignment] pruning condition for AMVP HMVP candidate new defect major
#1648 [misalignment] on use of sps_chroma_horizontal/vertical_collocated_flag new defect major
#1649 [misalignment] on rprConstraintsActiveFlag new defect major
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