Custom query (12 matches)


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Resolution: fixed (11 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#503 Field coding broken defect minor VTM-6.1 5 years
#744 Overflow in joint Cb/Cr transform defect minor VTM-7.0 5 years
#763 Mismatch on signaling log2_max_transform_skip_block_size_minus2 between WD and SW defect minor 5 years
#770 Decoder cannot parse generated bistream when FastMrg is set to 0 and MMVD is set to 0. defect minor VTM-7.0 5 years
#774 Error RdCost defect minor VTM-7.0 5 years
#778 A bug for combination of CIIP and WP defect minor VTM-7.0 5 years
#779 A bug for combination of IBC and WP defect minor VTM-7.0 5 years
#782 RPR - Use of reference picture PPS pointers defect minor VTM-7.0 5 years
#784 RPR - Combination with PROF defect minor VTM-7.0 5 years
#788 JVET-P1001 related: chroma QP for remote CU is wrong if the remote CU is local dual-tree defect minor VTM-7.1 5 years
#813 ERROR: In function "swap" in Buffer.cpp:723: Incompatible formats defect minor 5 years

Resolution: duplicate (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Created
#787 Enc/Dec mismatch for RPR with 1.5x defect major VTM-7.1 5 years
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