Custom query (1557 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 1557)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#46 fixed Assertion failed with --ASR=1 yyasugi

ASR on JEM-5.0.1 is unable to work.

TAppEncoderStatic: ./source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncSearch.h:411: Void TEncSearch::setAdapt iveSearchRange(Int, Int, Int): Assertion `iDir < MAX_NUM_REF_LIST_ADAPT_SR && iRefIdx<Int(MAX_IDX_ADAPT_SR)' failed.

TEncSlice.cpp:line 570

for (Int iDir = 0; iDir <= iNumPredDir; iDir++)

This line should be changed as

for (Int iDir = 0; iDir < iNumPredDir; iDir++)

In addition, JEM-5.0.1 does not have the --MinSearchWindow command line option. In HM, it is implemented in the changeset 4554.

#47 fixed WS-PSNR weighting for vertical SSP LouiseLee

In vertical SSP, it seems the WS-PSNR weighting table is not complete. The generated weighting image for vertical SSP is shown as below. The weighting of the south pole disappeared.

WS-PSNR weighting image for vertical SSP

#48 fixed Memory size for m_entropyBits aikiho

m_entropyBits[2][512] size is wrong. The array has 2x256 elements only.

Please fix it as follows: m_entropyBits[2][512] --> m_entropyBits[2][256]

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.