Custom query (1557 matches)


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Results (58 - 60 of 1557)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1551 fixed missing conformance check on TransCoeffLevel for dependent quantization iole_moccagatta

VTM is missing conformance check on TransCoeffLevel for dependent quantization.

This setting of TransCoeffLevel in the spec residual coding syntax for dependent quantization (sh_dep_quant_used_flag = 1):

TransCoeffLevel[ x0 ][ y0 ][ cIdx ][ xC ][ yC ] =
( 2 * AbsLevel[ xC ][ yC ] − ( QState > 1 ? 1 : 0 ) ) *
( 1 − 2 * coeff_sign_flag[ n ] )

is implemented in line 777 of DepQuant.cpp:

Intermediate_Int qIdx = 2 * level + (level > 0 ? -(state >> 1) : (state >> 1));

TransCoeffLevel must be in the range of CoeffMin to CoeffMax, inclusive. So, a check on qIdx should be added after line 777 to catch non conformance bitstreams.

#1550 fixed Typo in (Picture header structure semantics) jonathang

In the semantics for ph_recovery_poc_cnt, the following correction should be made:

If the current picture is a GDR picture and ph_recovery_poc_cnt is equal to 0, the current picture itself is also referred to as the recovery point point picture.

#1549 fixed IsAvailable variable setting for luma component parkmw

In the last part in section, IsAvailable is set to use for checking whether a neighboring block is available in next CU decoding as shown below.

The following assignments are made for i = 0..nCurrSw * SubWidthC − 1, j = 0..nCurrSh* SubHeightC − 1:

IsAvailable[ cIdx ][ xCurr * SubWidthC + i ][ yCurr * SubHeightC + j ] = TRUE (1201)

When cIdx == 0 (luma case), the coordinate calculation seems to have an issue. It seems SubWidthC and SubHeightC should not be used for luma, but only used for chroma. I asked an expert about this issue, and he confirmed the issue and kindly provided the following fix. Please take a look at this and correct me know if I am wrong.

The variables subW and subH are derived as follows:

subW = cIdx = = 0 ? 1 : SubWidthC (xxxx) subH = cIdx = = 0 ? 1 : SubHeightC (xxxx)

The following assignments are made for i = 0..nCurrSw * subW − 1, j = 0..nCurrSh * subH − 1:

IsAvailable[ cIdx ][ xCurr * subW + i ][ yCurr * subH + j ] = TRUE (1201)

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