Custom query (1557 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 1557)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1545 fixed Incorrect name in bp_num_cpb_removal_delay_deltas_minus1 definition kerzhy

While defining BP SEI element bp_num_cpb_removal_delay_deltas_minus1 in spec, the range is signalled for element num_cpb_removal_offsets_minus1 which is not defined in spec (lools like a typo).

#1544 fixed sb_coded_flag definition lacks size of a sub-block swarrington
Description includes a definition of sb_coded_flag as:

sb_coded_flag[ xS ][ yS ] specifies the following for the subblock at location ( xS, yS ) within the current transform block, where a subblock is an array of transform coefficient levels:

When sb_coded_flag[ xS ][ yS ] is equal to 0, all transform coefficient levels of the subblock at location ( xS, yS ) are inferred to be equal to 0.

When sb_coded_flag[ xS ][ yS ] is not present, it is inferred to be equal to 1

This definition seems to be lacking how many coefficients are found in a sub-block. Although the process says how to derive "numSbCoeff", I don't believe anything in the text explicitly tells you that numSbCoeff defines the number of sub-block coefficients.

#1543 fixed BIM index out of bounds error jack.enhorn

Block importance mapping (BIM, disabled in CTC) may currently reference frames past last frame of sequence and crash for certain sequence lengths. Additional check to prevent that is necessary, MR on suggested fix will be submitted shortly.

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