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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#74 fixed VTM-2.0rc1 decoder crash under certain configuration XiangLi hanhuang

Test condition is random access. Changes to the default settings are: CTUSize = 64, ALF = 0, MTT = 0 Testing sequence: BasketballDrive, 2 frames, QP=32

Decoder crash infor: VVCSoftware: VTM Decoder Version 2.0rc1 [Windows][VS 1913][64 bit] [SIMD=AVX2]

ERROR: In function "DecSlice::decompressSlice" in c:\users\hhan1\documents\jvet\software\vvcsoftware_vtm-vtm-2.0rc1\source\lib\decoderlib\decslice.cpp:269: Last CTU of slice segment not signalled as such

#134 fixed VTM can result in different kbps under different platform XiangLi johnnyyang

The bitrate mismatch between two different platform (windows and linux) is discovered in the following sequences and QPs on RA configuration:

Sequence QP
Class A1FoodMarket422
Campfire 22
Campfire 32
Class B RitualDance32
Cactus 27
Class F SlideShow 27

The difference are negligible so that it find no issue in summary table. However, it might still cause mismatch while companies are doing crosscheck in the following CE and JVET meeting. After checking with several companies (e.g. HiSilicon and ITRI), the issues were confirmed but there are no solutions so far.

#140 fixed inconsistent results when CPR is on XiangLi hongbin

when CPR is on, if we run the simulation several times, we get different results. This problem is found in VTM-3.0 and git commit number 45463a4107409ad3cc3157971127b5a05b5e6c30.

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