

6 Apr 2017:

12:47 Milestone HM-16.6-JEM-5.1 completed

31 Mar 2017:

03:46 Ticket #47 (WS-PSNR weighting for vertical SSP) created by LouiseLee
In vertical SSP, it seems the WS-PSNR weighting table is not complete. …

21 Mar 2017:

04:55 Ticket #41 (Bug related to parallel processing where float-point QP is used) closed by XiangLi
fixed: Solved in r438.
04:52 Ticket #46 (Assertion failed with --ASR=1) closed by XiangLi
fixed: Fixed in branch JEM-5.0-dev r448 (MinSearchWindow part in r459).

20 Mar 2017:

19:22 Ticket #44 (Inconsistent implementation of zero-out for large transforms) closed by XiangLi
fixed: Fixed in r458
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.