

2 May 2017:

18:33 Ticket #48 (Memory size for m_entropyBits) closed by XiangLi

27 Apr 2017:

12:47 Milestone HM-16.6-JEM-6.0 completed
10:55 Ticket #49 (Possible memory leak when using ACP) created by jsauer
I noticed that simulations which I ran for the ACP format take much …

24 Apr 2017:

20:48 Ticket #47 (WS-PSNR weighting for vertical SSP) closed by yuwenhe
fixed: The fix provided by Chuanyi was integrated in 360Lib-3.0, and it was …
11:00 Ticket #48 (Memory size for m_entropyBits) created by aikiho
m_entropyBits[2][512] size is wrong. The array has 2x256 elements …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.