7 Aug 2018:
- 10:37 Ticket #67 (Implicit vertical BT split at picture boundary issue) created by
- Consider the following case: If a CU: - crosses the right boundary of …
4 Aug 2018:
- 15:33 Ticket #66 (422 chroma format) created by
- It seems VTM software does not support 422 chroma format.
27 Jul 2018:
- 20:19 Ticket #65 (typos and unused variables in section 6.4) created by
- typo 1: "btSplit" in caption of Table 6-3 should be "ttSplit". typo 2: …
20 Jul 2018:
- 11:54 Ticket #64 (Better description of cube face alignement in documentation) created by
- Hi, I believe the documentation for the 360Lib can be misleading in …
9 Jul 2018:
- 07:47 Ticket #63 (Bug fix of the case when both WCG_EXT and FULL_NBIT macro is 1.) created by
- The following codes should be changed around line 608 in EncCu.cpp. …
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