Opened 7 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#64 closed enhancement (fixed)

Better description of cube face alignement in documentation

Reported by: jsauer Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: 360Lib Version: VTM-1.1
Keywords: Cc: vzakharc, yuwenhe, jvet@…



I believe the documentation for the 360Lib can be misleading in respect to how the cube faces are aligned/rotated to each other. I attached two figures showing what I believe to be the correct alignement of the cases that:

  • none of the faces is rotated
  • the default compact layout is used

Attachments (2)

cubeNotCompact.png (81.8 KB) - added by jsauer 7 years ago.
Alignement of cube faces when none is rotated
cubeCompact.png (50.5 KB) - added by jsauer 7 years ago.
Alignement of cube faces in default compact layout

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change history (3)

Changed 7 years ago by jsauer

Alignement of cube faces when none is rotated

Changed 7 years ago by jsauer

Alignement of cube faces in default compact layout

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by yuwenhe

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Hi, Sauer,
Your understanding is correct. Thanks for providing those figures. They are helpful to improve the document. The compact 3x2 layout picture for cubemap will be used in the 360Lib-7.0 software manual. The unpact 4x3 layout will be adjusted to show actual 4x3 frame-packing in 360Lib software.

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