Custom query (7 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#385 APS payload syntax/semantics location defect closed minor
#371 Avoid reading unused slice-level elements for joint coding of chroma residuals (JCCR) when sps_joint_cbcr_enabled_flag == 0 defect closed trivial VVC D6 vD
#384 Integration of JEVT-O0143 option2 defect closed minor VVC D6 vD
#345 Mismatch with spec on slice_address coding defect closed minor
#392 Missing parenthesis in coding_unit syntax table defect closed minor VVC D6 vD
#390 bp_seq_parameter_set_id defect closed minor
#391 content of NAL unit and RBSP syntax structure defect closed minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.