Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#467 closed defect (fixed)

Using refMvLX in sample interpolation process

Reported by: Vadim Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: spec Version:
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, bbross, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


In the section General of Fractional sample interpolation process, for luma interpolation refMvLX is used, while chroma uses mvLX, where mvLX = refMvLX − mvOffset.
It seems that refMvLX should be used in both cases.

A typo in equation (8-769)
xFracC = refyC & 31, it should be xFracC = refxC & 31

Change history (8)

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by hanhuang

It looks like the following is not necessary, and mvOffset can be removed from the input.
"The motion vector mvLX is set equal to ( refMvLX − mvOffset )."
The reference sample padding should use the refMvLX instead of mvLX.

comment:2 Changed 5 years ago by bbross

Thanks for brining that up.
Can someone confirm that in " General", mvLX needs to be replaced by refMvLX and mvOffset can be removed from the input of this process?

comment:3 Changed 5 years ago by jlchen

mvLX (equal to refMvLX - mvOffset) can not be removed since the original MV is used to identify the bounding block boundaries for DMVR padding process.

comment:4 Changed 5 years ago by bbross

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Ok thanks. Jianle and I kept mvOffset and just replaced mvLX with refMcLX where necessary.

This will be fixed JVET-P2001-vC.

comment:5 Changed 5 years ago by Vadim

  • Resolution fixed deleted
  • Status changed from closed to reopened

Would it be possible to double check whether refMvLX should be used for chroma or refMvCLX? It is probably correct for 4:2:0, but maybe not for other formats. Coordinate range is the same as luma in that cases, but shift is larger by 1.

refMvCLX[ 0 ] = refMvLX [ 0 ] * 2 / SubWidthC
refMvCLX[ 1 ] = refMvLX[ 1 ] * 2 / SubHeightC

Same for bounding block, where mvLX is always used, maybe it should be mvCLX too.

comment:6 Changed 5 years ago by jlchen


I think you're right. refMvCLX and mvCLX should be used, instead of refMvLX and mvLX, for chroma components to make non-420 correct.

Version 0, edited 5 years ago by jlchen (next)

comment:7 Changed 5 years ago by Vadim

Thank you for checking it.

comment:8 Changed 5 years ago by jlchen

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from reopened to closed
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