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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#96 Segmentation fault with low delay P config after JVET-L0646 integration defect blocker VTM-3.0 VTM
#159 Encoder/decoder mismatch defect blocker VTM-4.0 VTM
#440 Issue on cu_skip_flag defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#623 Typos and undefined variables in ACT related text defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#845 Issue on modeTypeCondition derivation defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#902 range of ph_cu_qp_delta_subdiv_intra/inter_slice defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#986 The range for PaletteEscapeVal in semantics defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1030 Wrong chroma ALF virtual boundary position for 4:2:2 and 4:4:4 sequences defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1052 Bad cast from short * to int * in JVET-R0327 integration defect blocker VTM-9.0 VTM
#1059 Issue on ApplyLfnstFlag defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1067 The discrepancies between PROF with affine AMVP and PROF with affine MERGE defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1073 MotionModelIdc undefined when cu_affine_type_flag is not present defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1114 Address the editor's note on 4x4 affine MC for chroma components. defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1116 In of JVET-R2001.doc, whRatio should be set equal to Abs(Log2(nH/nW)) when nH is greater than nW defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1124 Incomplete definition of local dual tree defect blocker VVC D10 spec
#1600 GCC 13.1 requires '#include <cstdint>' in several headers defect blocker VTM
#58 issue on full size PERP coding defect critical HM-16.6-JEM-7.2 360Lib
#115 Buggy rate estimation in estIntraPredLumaQT defect critical VTM-3.0 VTM
#192 Crash (Seg fault) at getAffineMergeCand() defect critical VTM-5.1 VTM
#200 NULL-pointer crash of VTM 4.0.1rc1 in HDR config after JVET_M0428_ENC_DB_OPT integration defect critical VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#228 Reconciling DMVR spec text with software ticket #214 defect critical VVC D5 v3 spec
#370 Enc/Dec Mismatch in version e7354ee59de845da38ed8f5245318736bcc46def defect critical VTM-6.0 VTM
#387 Regarding integration of JVET-O1153 defect critical VVC D6 vD spec
#388 Decoder crashes after MR 720 defect critical VTM-6.0 VTM
#427 Encoder crash for 4:4:4 for commit 16c83093 defect critical VTM-6.0 VTM
#1437 vtm bugs In function getModifiedWideAngle defect critical VTM-11.0 VTM
#1517 Potential Mismatch between VVC Spec and VTM Reference C Decoder Model defect critical spec
#1521 Missing a default/inferred value for alf_cc_cb/cr_filters_signalled_minus1 defect critical VTM-12.0 spec
#1547 sb_coded_flag non-present inference logic error defect critical spec
#1571 Regression in RPR after "Clean up motion interpolation functions" defect critical VTM
#1592 fix m_olsHrdParams in SPS class to avoid crash enhancement critical VTM
#1606 VVC v2 wrongly uses zero out block size defect critical spec
#54 Bug in RSP Projection defect major HM-16.6-JEM-6.1 360Lib
#56 WS-PSNR (codec) weight bug for ECP defect major 360Lib
#66 422 chroma format defect major VTM
#76 different coding results in debug and release version defect major BMS-2.0.1 BMS
#81 Bit-stream switching causes encoder-decoder mismatches defect major VTM-3.0 BMS
#82 Zeroing-out of high frequency transform coefficients for large TUs (> 32x32) is missing in the spec defect major VVC D2 v7 spec
#85 Spec issues related to MTS defect major VVC D2 v7 spec
#91 Encoding with DQP is broken defect major BMS
#93 Encoding results mismatch due to Hadamard SAD 8bits SIMD path defect major BMS
#97 ALF CTU control flag(s) issue defect major VVC D3 v2 spec
#100 A SW bug in VTM for MPM generation when multiline is used for intra CU prediction defect major VTM
#122 Mismatch in intra ref sample filtering between draft and VTM defect major spec
#134 VTM can result in different kbps under different platform XiangLi defect major VTM-3.1 VTM
#140 inconsistent results when CPR is on XiangLi defect major VTM-3.1 VTM
#154 Availability check for CPR/IBC chroma CU reference block is missing defect major VVC D4 v1 spec
#160 Windows debug release version coding results not the same for some frames defect major VTM-4.0 VTM
#161 valgrind reports many errors in DepQuant.cpp defect major VTM-4.0 VTM
#162 valgrind reports errors in BestEncInfoCache::isValid defect major VTM-4.0 VTM
#164 Deblocking filter doesn't use correct data for IBC blocks defect major VTM-4.0 VTM
#167 Spec issue related to integration of JVET-M0238 defect major VVC D4 v2 spec
#171 Encoder crash: Negative shift in TrQuant.cpp defect major VTM-4.0 VTM
#175 Incorrect derivation of CCLM parameter b defect major VVC D4 v2 spec
#177 Encoder decoder mismatch for VTM-4.0rc1 defect major VTM-4.0 VTM
#179 HDR Anchor encoding crashes with VTM4.0 defect major VTM
#187 same picture check in HMVP mismatch with software defect major spec
#190 Encoder crash when set DepQuant to 0 defect major VTM
#191 DebugBitstream broken by M0427 initialization defect major VTM-4.1 VTM
#195 Mismatch on class F when AMVR is off and IBC is on defect major VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#197 Mismatch between parallel and sequential encoding under RA conditions defect major VTM-4.0.1 VTM
#214 M0147 - Mismatch of an adopted element(25 points) in VTM defect major VTM-4.1 VTM
#222 SCC TGM sequence performance drop from VTM-4.0 to VTM-4.0.1 due to HashME defect major VTM-4.1 VTM
#247 Fix of size constraint for triangle merge mode when MMVD is disabled in SPS defect major VTM-5.0 VTM
#249 sym_mvd_flag is missing in the context tables defect major spec
#262 Spec text missing for IBC with shared merge list defect major VVC D5 v4 spec
#293 Chroma mismatches when sign hiding is enabled defect major VTM-5.1 VTM
#296 a bug in MCTS code defect major VTM-5.1 VTM
#303 bug in virtual boundaries (N0438) code defect major VTM-5.1 VTM
#379 Typo in IBC merge signaling condition (MaxNumIbcMergeCand) defect major VVC D6 vD spec
#389 Decoding process for residual signal in case of SBT is missing defect major VVC D6 vD spec
#419 typo in split_cu_flag context derivation defect major spec
#450 RA coding has encoder/decoder mismatch in HDR PQ CTC (Luma deltaQP enabled) defect major VTM-6.0 VTM
#456 Issue of SCIPU in YUV444 defect major VTM-6.0 VTM
#464 Sub-CTU QPA code affects HDR coding via updateLambda() even when sub-CTU QPA is disabled defect major VTM-6.0 VTM
#469 multiple slice mode does not in VTM6.0 defect major VTM
#470 4x4 Inter CUs with JVET-O0050 (SCIPU) defect major spec
#477 VTM6.0 decoder crashes when RExt__DECODER_DEBUG_BIT_STATISTICS is on defect major VTM-6.1 VTM
#484 VTM 6.0 encoder crashes due to bestCS without CU defect major VTM-6.1 VTM
#491 stack-use-after-scope in xIBCEstimation() defect major VTM-6.1 VTM
#575 RPR is not working defect major VTM
#615 Missing independent layer implementation defect major VTM-7.1 VTM
#621 Issue with BDOF offset calculation defect major VTM
#664 Mutiple slices/tiles is not working defect major VTM-7.0 VTM
#712 Encoder uses the STSA picture type on pictures such that STSA restrictions are violated defect major VTM-7.1 VTM
#722 VTM master branch encoder crash for YUV444 coding defect major VTM-7.1 VTM
#787 Enc/Dec mismatch for RPR with 1.5x defect major VTM-7.2 VTM
#798 Wrong size for array of coeff delta idx defect major spec
#818 Extend border of picture correctly defect major VTM
#821 Scalability coding is broken defect major VTM-8.0 VTM
#842 parcat broken after slice header changes (JVET-Q0775) defect major VTM-8.0 VTM
#863 Decoder crashes in latest master (ff49eb09fa4c91404769683d63af822e4f25caef) because the PPS is not present defect major VTM
#1025 --TargetOutputLayerSet=<intermediate OSLs> fails to decode defect major VTM
#1042 JVET-P0978 RPL constraint checks fail defect major VTM
#1093 Bugs in BPSEI and PTSEI defect major VTM-10.1 VTM
#1110 Wrong table references for RPR interpolation filters defect major VVC D10 spec
#1133 Wrong conditioning of sps_sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag in SPS defect major VVC D10 spec
#1134 Wrong conditioning of sps_sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag in SPS defect major VTM
#1169 Mismatch with VTM on partition constraint range in Picture Header defect major spec
#1261 mismatch on inverse transform shift in 1-D transform defect major spec
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