Custom query (13 matches)


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Status: closed (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#323 Mismatch in Affine MVP candidate list construction between VTM and spec defect minor VVC D6 vC fixed
#359 Typo in derivation of HMVP candidates for inter mode coding defect minor fixed
#360 Spec text fix for primary transformation process (Clause defect minor VVC D6 vC fixed
#371 Avoid reading unused slice-level elements for joint coding of chroma residuals (JCCR) when sps_joint_cbcr_enabled_flag == 0 defect trivial VVC D6 vC fixed
#374 JVET-O0055 with DMVR SAD Doubled defect minor VVC D6 vC fixed
#376 Typos in ISP defect minor VVC D6 vC fixed
#377 On merge data syntax defect minor VVC D6 vC fixed
#378 Typo in Derivation process for collocated motion vectors defect minor VVC D6 vC fixed
#379 Typo in IBC merge signaling condition (MaxNumIbcMergeCand) defect major VVC D6 vC fixed
#384 Integration of JEVT-O0143 option2 defect minor fixed
#387 Regarding integration of JVET-O1153 defect critical VVC D6 vC fixed
#389 Decoding process for residual signal in case of SBT is missing defect major VVC D6 vC fixed
#392 Missing parenthesis in coding_unit syntax table defect minor VVC D6 vC fixed
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