Custom query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#340 Bug in the ISP text defect closed minor
#319 IBC BV range description defect closed minor VVC D5 v9
#324 Mismatch in equation 8-784 with SW defect closed minor
#290 Mismatch on collocated subblock location in SbTMVP between VTM and spec defect closed minor
#322 Parsing condition for ISP split flag defect closed minor
#353 Spec draft fix for BDOF related defect closed minor
#354 Spec draft fix for BDOF related defect closed minor
#320 Typos defect closed trivial VVC D5 v9
#369 Typos in JVET-O2001 defect closed minor
#321 mvd_l1_zero_flag semantic defect closed minor
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.