Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#369 closed defect (fixed)

Typos in JVET-O2001

Reported by: Tomohiro Ikai Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: spec Version:
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, bbross, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


In the latest JVET-O2001-vB, the followings would be typos.

1. In General HRD parameters syntax

HDR would be HRD.	General HDR parameters syntax
would be	General HRD parameters syntax

2. In and others


3. In Merge data semantics

"merge_subblock_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ] is equal to 0." is duplicated, please remove one of them.

When ciip_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ] is not present, it is inferred as follows:
–	If all the following conditions are true, ciip_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ] is inferred to be equal to 1:
–	sps_ciip_enabled_flag is equal to 1.
–	general_merge_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ] is equal to 1.
–	merge_subblock_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ] is equal to 0.
–	regular_merge_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ] is equal to 0.
–	merge_subblock_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ] is equal to 0. **here**

4. In Derivation process for merge motion vector difference

mMvdL10 would be mMvdL1

mMvdL10[ 0 ] = Sign( currPocDiffL0 )  = =  Sign( currPocDiffL1 )  ?	
	mMvdL1[ 0 ]  :  −mMvdL1[ 0 ]	(8 372)

would be

mMvdL1[ 0 ] = Sign( currPocDiffL0 )  = =  Sign( currPocDiffL1 )  ?	
	mMvdL1[ 0 ]  :  −mMvdL1[ 0 ]	(8 372)

5. In 8.6.3 Decoding process for IBC blocks

xVb would be yVb and % would be &

xVb = ( y + bv[ 1 ] >> 4 ) ) % ( CtbSizeY − 1 )		(8 874)

would be

yVb = ( y + bv[ 1 ] >> 4 ) ) & ( CtbSizeY − 1 )		(8 874)

6. In Low frequency non-separable transformation process

There're duplicated "of" after "a list".

–	a list of of scaled non-zero transform coefficients x[ j ] with j = 0..nonZeroSize − 1,

7. In 6.5.2 Up-right diagonal and raster scan order array initialization process

Here I'm not so sure, but rasterScan's parameter (x, y) is swapped, isn't it?

			rasterScan[ x * blkWidth + y] = i
could be
			rasterScan[ y * blkWidth + x] = i

Plus, the rasterScan's naming can be confusing since this is not a usual rasterScan but rasterScan2DiagonalScanPos or something.
The variable is used as RasterScanOrder[] for scaling list.

Change history (3)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by yyasugi

I would like to report some other typos. Decoding parameter set RBSP semantics
In (7-7), missing ']' at the end of line (bold text)

if ( i = = 0)

SubPicTop[ subpic_grid_idx[ i ][ j ] ] = 0

else if( subpic_grid_idx[ i ][ j ] != subpic_grid_idx[ i – 1 ][ j ] )

SubPicTop[ subpic_grid_idx[ i ][ j ] ] = i
SubPicHeight[ subpic_grid_idx[ i − 1][ j ] ] = i − SubPicTop[ subpic_grid_idx[ i − 1 ][ j ]

} equation (8-268)

hpelIfIdx = AmvrShift = = 3 : 1: 0

whould be

hpelIfIdx = AmvrShift = = 3 ? 1: 0

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by bbross

Fixed in D6 vC

comment:3 Changed 6 years ago by bbross

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Fixed in D6 vC

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