Opened 5 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#1374 closed defect (fixed)

Decoder crash in multilayer coding

Reported by: chhuanb Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: VTM Version: VTM-10.0
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


Decoder crush when decoding the attached bistream generated by following command:

EncoderApp.exe -c encoder_randomaccess_vtm.cfg -c two_layers.cfg -l0 -c BasketballPass.cfg -l1 -c BlowingBubbles.cfg -q 45 -g 16 -f 10 -b test.bit -o test.yuv -ip 32 --SEIDecodedPictureHash=1

The error message is:
ERROR: In function "DecLib::checkLayerIdIncludedInCvss" in D:\VVCSoftware_VTM\source\Lib\DecoderLib\DecLib.cpp:980: each picture in an AU in a CVS shall have nuh_layer_id equal to the nuh_layer_id of one of the pictures present in the first AU of the CVS

Attachments (1)

test.bit (4.6 KB) - added by chhuanb 5 years ago.
failed bitstream

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change history (6)

Changed 5 years ago by chhuanb

failed bitstream

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by ksuehring

  • Milestone VTM-10.0 deleted
  • Version set to VTM-10.0

comment:2 Changed 5 years ago by ZhipinDeng

The above error message doesn't happen if disabling LMCS. Does anybody know what is happening here?

comment:3 Changed 4 years ago by taoranlu

It looks implementation of JVET_S0193_NO_OUTPUT_PRIOR_PIC introduces this problem. If we set it to 0 and compile VTM, run enc/dec with the example command can proceed with no error.

EncoderApp.exe -c encoder_randomaccess_vtm.cfg -c two_layers.cfg -l0 -c BasketballPass.cfg -l1 -c BlowingBubbles.cfg -q 45 -g 16 -f 10 -b test.bit -o test.yuv -ip 32 --SEIDecodedPictureHash=1

DecoderApp.exe -b test.bit

comment:4 Changed 4 years ago by fbossen

  • Summary changed from Decoder crush in multilayer coding to Decoder crash in multilayer coding

comment:5 Changed 4 years ago by fbossen

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Cannot reproduce issue with current master (8a5b1a67f9f70262bd3fd20da321837f268d101d)

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