Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#1587 closed defect (fixed)

Encoder crashes when using independent multi-layer config

Reported by: rkaafara Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: VTM-19.1
Component: VTM Version: VTM-19.0
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


When trying to use randomaccess config with the independent layer confile file in ./cfg, the encoder crashes with a segmentation error, the following call is used to call the encoder:

./bin/umake/gcc-7.3/x86_64/release/EncoderApp -c ./cfg/encoder_randomaccess_vtm_modified_fast.cfg -c ./cfg/sequence.cfg -c ./cfg/multi-layer/two_layers_independent.cfg

Where "encoder_randomaccess_vtm_modified_fast.cfg" is the same as "encoder_randomaccess_vtm.cfg" but with disabled VVC features, the same error happens with original randomaccess cfg.

The file sequence.cfg only defines the input sequence and its width, height, framerate, etc..

The following is the output:

VVCSoftware: VTM Encoder Version 19.0 [Linux][GCC 7.3.0][64 bit] [SIMD=AVX2] 

TOOL CFG: IBD:1 HAD:1 RDQ:1 RDQTS:1 RDpenalty:0 LQP:0 SQP:0 ASR:1 MinSearchWindow:96 RestrictMESampling:0 FEN:1 ECU:0 FDM:1 ESD:0 TransformSkip:1 TransformSkipFast:1 TransformSkipLog2MaxSize:5 ChromaTS:1 BDPCM:0 Tiles: 1x1 Slices: 1 MCTS:0 SAO:1 ALF:1 CCALF:1 MaxNumALFAPS 8 AlfapsIDShift 0 ConstantJointCbCrSignFlagWPP:0 WPB:0 PME:2  WaveFrontSynchro:0 WaveFrontSubstreams:1 ScalingList:0 TMVPMode:1  DQ:1  SignBitHidingFlag:0 RecalQP:0 
TOOL CFG: LFNST:1 MMVD:1 Affine:0 PROF:0 SbTMVP:0 DualITree:1 IMV:1 BIO:0 LMChroma:1 HorCollocatedChroma:1 VerCollocatedChroma:0 MTS:1(explicit intra) SBT:0 ISP:0 SMVD:1 CompositeLTReference:0 Bcw:1 BcwFast:1 LADF:0 CIIP:0 Geo:0 AllowDisFracMMVD:1 AffineAmvr:0 AffineAmvrEncOpt:0 AffineAmvp:1 DMVR:0 MmvdDisNum:6 JointCbCr:1 ACT:0 PLT:0 IBC:0 HashME:0 WrapAround:0 VirtualBoundariesEnabledFlag:0 VirtualBoundariesPresentInSPSFlag:1 vertical virtual boundaries:[ ] horizontal virtual boundaries:[ ] Reshape:0 MRL:0 MIP:0 EncDbOpt:1 
FAST TOOL CFG: LCTUFast:1 FastMrg:1 PBIntraFast:1 IMV4PelFast:1 MTSMaxCand: 4(intra) 4(inter) FastLFNST:0 AMaxBT:1 E0023FastEnc:1 ContentBasedFastQtbt:0 UseNonLinearAlfLuma:1 UseNonLinearAlfChroma:1 MaxNumAlfAlternativesChroma:8 TTFastSkip:31 TTFastSkipThr:1.075 FastLocalDualTree:1 RPR:0 TemporalFilter:4/4 SEI CTI:0 BIM:0 SEI FGC:0 SEI processing Order:0 

TOOL CFG: IBD:1 HAD:1 RDQ:1 RDQTS:1 RDpenalty:0 LQP:0 SQP:0 ASR:1 MinSearchWindow:96 RestrictMESampling:0 FEN:1 ECU:0 FDM:1 ESD:0 TransformSkip:1 TransformSkipFast:1 TransformSkipLog2MaxSize:5 ChromaTS:1 BDPCM:0 Tiles: 1x1 Slices: 1 MCTS:0 SAO:1 ALF:1 CCALF:1 MaxNumALFAPS 8 AlfapsIDShift 0 ConstantJointCbCrSignFlagWPP:0 WPB:0 PME:2  WaveFrontSynchro:0 WaveFrontSubstreams:1 ScalingList:0 TMVPMode:1  DQ:1  SignBitHidingFlag:0 RecalQP:0 
TOOL CFG: LFNST:1 MMVD:1 Affine:0 PROF:0 SbTMVP:0 DualITree:1 IMV:1 BIO:0 LMChroma:1 HorCollocatedChroma:1 VerCollocatedChroma:0 MTS:1(explicit intra) SBT:0 ISP:0 SMVD:1 CompositeLTReference:0 Bcw:1 BcwFast:1 LADF:0 CIIP:0 Geo:0 AllowDisFracMMVD:1 AffineAmvr:0 AffineAmvrEncOpt:0 AffineAmvp:1 DMVR:0 MmvdDisNum:6 JointCbCr:1 ACT:0 PLT:0 IBC:0 HashME:0 WrapAround:0 VirtualBoundariesEnabledFlag:0 VirtualBoundariesPresentInSPSFlag:1 vertical virtual boundaries:[ ] horizontal virtual boundaries:[ ] Reshape:0 MRL:0 MIP:0 EncDbOpt:1 
FAST TOOL CFG: LCTUFast:1 FastMrg:1 PBIntraFast:1 IMV4PelFast:1 MTSMaxCand: 4(intra) 4(inter) FastLFNST:0 AMaxBT:1 E0023FastEnc:1 ContentBasedFastQtbt:0 UseNonLinearAlfLuma:1 UseNonLinearAlfChroma:1 MaxNumAlfAlternativesChroma:8 TTFastSkip:31 TTFastSkipThr:1.075 FastLocalDualTree:1 RPR:0 TemporalFilter:4/4 SEI CTI:0 BIM:0 SEI FGC:0 SEI processing Order:0 

Number of configured ALF APS Ids exceeds maximum for multilayer, or overlap APS Ids - reconfiguring with automatic settings
        layer 0 : 4: 0 -> 3 
        layer 1 : 4: 4 -> 7 
 started @ Tue Jan 10 16:08:27 2023
POC    0 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( IDR_N_LP, I-SLICE, QP 29 )     246160 bits [Y 38.8292 dB    U 43.8419 dB    V 44.6572 dB] [ET    83 ] [L0] [L1]
POC    0 LId:  1 TId: 0 ( IDR_N_LP, I-SLICE, QP 29 )     245968 bits [Y 38.8292 dB    U 43.8419 dB    V 44.6572 dB] [ET    83 ] [L0] [L1]
Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)

Change history (10)

comment:1 Changed 2 years ago by rkaafara

  • Version set to VTM-19.0

comment:2 follow-up: Changed 2 years ago by fbossen

I am unable to reproduce the issue.
Could you provide more details regarding the following:

  • commit id (is it the VTM-19.0 tag?)
  • sequence. If using a private sequence, can you reproduce the issue with a common JVET sequence?

comment:3 in reply to: ↑ 2 Changed 2 years ago by rkaafara

Replying to fbossen:

I am unable to reproduce the issue.
Could you provide more details regarding the following:

  • commit id (is it the VTM-19.0 tag?)
  • sequence. If using a private sequence, can you reproduce the issue with a common JVET sequence?


This is the current tag I'm on "VTM-19.0-159-ga37f7543". For the sequence, I tested using common test conditions classB sequence BasketballDrive_1920x1080p50.
I'm on CentOS linux 7 and I used gcc 7.3.0 to build the project, thanks in advance

comment:4 follow-up: Changed 2 years ago by fbossen

"VTM-19.0-159-ga37f7543" looks like some private tag, but I assume it corresponds to commit a37f7543016566319eff3fd7327d8f1a0852e0d3. Can you confirm?

I am still unable to reproduce the issue.

bin/EncoderAppStatic -c cfg/encoder_randomaccess_vtm.cfg -c cfg/multi-layer/two_layers_independent.cfg -c cfg/per-sequence/BasketballDrive.cfg -q 32

VVCSoftware: VTM Encoder Version 19.0 [Linux][GCC 11.3.0][64 bit] [SIMD=AVX2] 

TOOL CFG: IBD:1 HAD:1 RDQ:1 RDQTS:1 RDpenalty:0 LQP:0 SQP:0 ASR:1 MinSearchWindow:96 RestrictMESampling:0 FEN:1 ECU:0 FDM:1 ESD:0 TransformSkip:1 TransformSkipFast:1 TransformSkipLog2MaxSize:5 ChromaTS:1 BDPCM:0 Tiles: 1x1 Slices: 1 MCTS:0 SAO:1 ALF:1 CCALF:1 MaxNumALFAPS 8 AlfapsIDShift 0 ConstantJointCbCrSignFlagWPP:0 WPB:0 PME:2  WaveFrontSynchro:0 WaveFrontSubstreams:1 ScalingList:0 TMVPMode:1  DQ:1  SignBitHidingFlag:0 RecalQP:0 
TOOL CFG: LFNST:1 MMVD:1 Affine:1 AffineType:1 AdaptBypassAffineMe:0 PROF:1 SbTMVP:1 DualITree:1 IMV:1 BIO:1 LMChroma:1 HorCollocatedChroma:1 VerCollocatedChroma:0 MTS:1(explicit intra) SBT:1 ISP:1 SMVD:1 CompositeLTReference:0 Bcw:1 BcwFast:1 LADF:0 CIIP:1 Geo:1 AllowDisFracMMVD:1 AffineAmvr:1 AffineAmvrEncOpt:1 AffineAmvp:1 DMVR:1 MmvdDisNum:6 JointCbCr:1 ACT:0 PLT:0 IBC:0 HashME:0 WrapAround:0 VirtualBoundariesEnabledFlag:0 VirtualBoundariesPresentInSPSFlag:1 vertical virtual boundaries:[ ] horizontal virtual boundaries:[ ] Reshape:1 (Signal:SDR Opt:0 CSoffset:6) MRL:1 MIP:1 EncDbOpt:1 
FAST TOOL CFG: LCTUFast:1 FastMrg:1 PBIntraFast:1 IMV4PelFast:1 MTSMaxCand: 4(intra) 4(inter) ISPFast:0 FastLFNST:0 AMaxBT:1 E0023FastEnc:1 ContentBasedFastQtbt:0 UseNonLinearAlfLuma:1 UseNonLinearAlfChroma:1 MaxNumAlfAlternativesChroma:8 FastMIP:0 TTFastSkip:31 TTFastSkipThr:1.075 FastLocalDualTree:1 RPR:0 TemporalFilter:4/4 SEI CTI:0 BIM:0 SEI FGC:0 SEI processing Order:0 

TOOL CFG: IBD:1 HAD:1 RDQ:1 RDQTS:1 RDpenalty:0 LQP:0 SQP:0 ASR:1 MinSearchWindow:96 RestrictMESampling:0 FEN:1 ECU:0 FDM:1 ESD:0 TransformSkip:1 TransformSkipFast:1 TransformSkipLog2MaxSize:5 ChromaTS:1 BDPCM:0 Tiles: 1x1 Slices: 1 MCTS:0 SAO:1 ALF:1 CCALF:1 MaxNumALFAPS 8 AlfapsIDShift 0 ConstantJointCbCrSignFlagWPP:0 WPB:0 PME:2  WaveFrontSynchro:0 WaveFrontSubstreams:1 ScalingList:0 TMVPMode:1  DQ:1  SignBitHidingFlag:0 RecalQP:0 
TOOL CFG: LFNST:1 MMVD:1 Affine:1 AffineType:1 AdaptBypassAffineMe:0 PROF:1 SbTMVP:1 DualITree:1 IMV:1 BIO:1 LMChroma:1 HorCollocatedChroma:1 VerCollocatedChroma:0 MTS:1(explicit intra) SBT:1 ISP:1 SMVD:1 CompositeLTReference:0 Bcw:1 BcwFast:1 LADF:0 CIIP:1 Geo:1 AllowDisFracMMVD:1 AffineAmvr:1 AffineAmvrEncOpt:1 AffineAmvp:1 DMVR:1 MmvdDisNum:6 JointCbCr:1 ACT:0 PLT:0 IBC:0 HashME:0 WrapAround:0 VirtualBoundariesEnabledFlag:0 VirtualBoundariesPresentInSPSFlag:1 vertical virtual boundaries:[ ] horizontal virtual boundaries:[ ] Reshape:1 (Signal:SDR Opt:0 CSoffset:6) MRL:1 MIP:1 EncDbOpt:1 
FAST TOOL CFG: LCTUFast:1 FastMrg:1 PBIntraFast:1 IMV4PelFast:1 MTSMaxCand: 4(intra) 4(inter) ISPFast:0 FastLFNST:0 AMaxBT:1 E0023FastEnc:1 ContentBasedFastQtbt:0 UseNonLinearAlfLuma:1 UseNonLinearAlfChroma:1 MaxNumAlfAlternativesChroma:8 FastMIP:0 TTFastSkip:31 TTFastSkipThr:1.075 FastLocalDualTree:1 RPR:0 TemporalFilter:4/4 SEI CTI:0 BIM:0 SEI FGC:0 SEI processing Order:0 

Number of configured ALF APS Ids exceeds maximum for multilayer, or overlap APS Ids - reconfiguring with automatic settings
	layer 0 : 4: 0 -> 3 
	layer 1 : 4: 4 -> 7 
 started @ Wed Jan 11 07:01:31 2023
POC    0 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( IDR_N_LP, I-SLICE, QP 29 )     245344 bits [Y 38.8432 dB    U 43.8226 dB    V 44.6787 dB] [ET    78 ] [L0] [L1]
POC    0 LId:  1 TId: 0 ( IDR_N_LP, I-SLICE, QP 29 )     245152 bits [Y 38.8432 dB    U 43.8226 dB    V 44.6787 dB] [ET    78 ] [L0] [L1]
POC   32 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( CRA, I-SLICE, QP 29 )     267952 bits [Y 38.7535 dB    U 43.5844 dB    V 44.5669 dB] [ET    76 ] [L0] [L1]
POC   32 LId:  1 TId: 0 ( CRA, I-SLICE, QP 29 )     267760 bits [Y 38.7535 dB    U 43.5844 dB    V 44.5669 dB] [ET    77 ] [L0] [L1]

comment:5 in reply to: ↑ 4 Changed 2 years ago by rkaafara

Replying to fbossen:

"VTM-19.0-159-ga37f7543" looks like some private tag, but I assume it corresponds to commit a37f7543016566319eff3fd7327d8f1a0852e0d3. Can you confirm?

I am still unable to reproduce the issue.

bin/EncoderAppStatic -c cfg/encoder_randomaccess_vtm.cfg -c cfg/multi-layer/two_layers_independent.cfg -c cfg/per-sequence/BasketballDrive.cfg -q 32

VVCSoftware: VTM Encoder Version 19.0 [Linux][GCC 11.3.0][64 bit] [SIMD=AVX2] 

TOOL CFG: IBD:1 HAD:1 RDQ:1 RDQTS:1 RDpenalty:0 LQP:0 SQP:0 ASR:1 MinSearchWindow:96 RestrictMESampling:0 FEN:1 ECU:0 FDM:1 ESD:0 TransformSkip:1 TransformSkipFast:1 TransformSkipLog2MaxSize:5 ChromaTS:1 BDPCM:0 Tiles: 1x1 Slices: 1 MCTS:0 SAO:1 ALF:1 CCALF:1 MaxNumALFAPS 8 AlfapsIDShift 0 ConstantJointCbCrSignFlagWPP:0 WPB:0 PME:2  WaveFrontSynchro:0 WaveFrontSubstreams:1 ScalingList:0 TMVPMode:1  DQ:1  SignBitHidingFlag:0 RecalQP:0 
TOOL CFG: LFNST:1 MMVD:1 Affine:1 AffineType:1 AdaptBypassAffineMe:0 PROF:1 SbTMVP:1 DualITree:1 IMV:1 BIO:1 LMChroma:1 HorCollocatedChroma:1 VerCollocatedChroma:0 MTS:1(explicit intra) SBT:1 ISP:1 SMVD:1 CompositeLTReference:0 Bcw:1 BcwFast:1 LADF:0 CIIP:1 Geo:1 AllowDisFracMMVD:1 AffineAmvr:1 AffineAmvrEncOpt:1 AffineAmvp:1 DMVR:1 MmvdDisNum:6 JointCbCr:1 ACT:0 PLT:0 IBC:0 HashME:0 WrapAround:0 VirtualBoundariesEnabledFlag:0 VirtualBoundariesPresentInSPSFlag:1 vertical virtual boundaries:[ ] horizontal virtual boundaries:[ ] Reshape:1 (Signal:SDR Opt:0 CSoffset:6) MRL:1 MIP:1 EncDbOpt:1 
FAST TOOL CFG: LCTUFast:1 FastMrg:1 PBIntraFast:1 IMV4PelFast:1 MTSMaxCand: 4(intra) 4(inter) ISPFast:0 FastLFNST:0 AMaxBT:1 E0023FastEnc:1 ContentBasedFastQtbt:0 UseNonLinearAlfLuma:1 UseNonLinearAlfChroma:1 MaxNumAlfAlternativesChroma:8 FastMIP:0 TTFastSkip:31 TTFastSkipThr:1.075 FastLocalDualTree:1 RPR:0 TemporalFilter:4/4 SEI CTI:0 BIM:0 SEI FGC:0 SEI processing Order:0 

TOOL CFG: IBD:1 HAD:1 RDQ:1 RDQTS:1 RDpenalty:0 LQP:0 SQP:0 ASR:1 MinSearchWindow:96 RestrictMESampling:0 FEN:1 ECU:0 FDM:1 ESD:0 TransformSkip:1 TransformSkipFast:1 TransformSkipLog2MaxSize:5 ChromaTS:1 BDPCM:0 Tiles: 1x1 Slices: 1 MCTS:0 SAO:1 ALF:1 CCALF:1 MaxNumALFAPS 8 AlfapsIDShift 0 ConstantJointCbCrSignFlagWPP:0 WPB:0 PME:2  WaveFrontSynchro:0 WaveFrontSubstreams:1 ScalingList:0 TMVPMode:1  DQ:1  SignBitHidingFlag:0 RecalQP:0 
TOOL CFG: LFNST:1 MMVD:1 Affine:1 AffineType:1 AdaptBypassAffineMe:0 PROF:1 SbTMVP:1 DualITree:1 IMV:1 BIO:1 LMChroma:1 HorCollocatedChroma:1 VerCollocatedChroma:0 MTS:1(explicit intra) SBT:1 ISP:1 SMVD:1 CompositeLTReference:0 Bcw:1 BcwFast:1 LADF:0 CIIP:1 Geo:1 AllowDisFracMMVD:1 AffineAmvr:1 AffineAmvrEncOpt:1 AffineAmvp:1 DMVR:1 MmvdDisNum:6 JointCbCr:1 ACT:0 PLT:0 IBC:0 HashME:0 WrapAround:0 VirtualBoundariesEnabledFlag:0 VirtualBoundariesPresentInSPSFlag:1 vertical virtual boundaries:[ ] horizontal virtual boundaries:[ ] Reshape:1 (Signal:SDR Opt:0 CSoffset:6) MRL:1 MIP:1 EncDbOpt:1 
FAST TOOL CFG: LCTUFast:1 FastMrg:1 PBIntraFast:1 IMV4PelFast:1 MTSMaxCand: 4(intra) 4(inter) ISPFast:0 FastLFNST:0 AMaxBT:1 E0023FastEnc:1 ContentBasedFastQtbt:0 UseNonLinearAlfLuma:1 UseNonLinearAlfChroma:1 MaxNumAlfAlternativesChroma:8 FastMIP:0 TTFastSkip:31 TTFastSkipThr:1.075 FastLocalDualTree:1 RPR:0 TemporalFilter:4/4 SEI CTI:0 BIM:0 SEI FGC:0 SEI processing Order:0 

Number of configured ALF APS Ids exceeds maximum for multilayer, or overlap APS Ids - reconfiguring with automatic settings
	layer 0 : 4: 0 -> 3 
	layer 1 : 4: 4 -> 7 
 started @ Wed Jan 11 07:01:31 2023
POC    0 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( IDR_N_LP, I-SLICE, QP 29 )     245344 bits [Y 38.8432 dB    U 43.8226 dB    V 44.6787 dB] [ET    78 ] [L0] [L1]
POC    0 LId:  1 TId: 0 ( IDR_N_LP, I-SLICE, QP 29 )     245152 bits [Y 38.8432 dB    U 43.8226 dB    V 44.6787 dB] [ET    78 ] [L0] [L1]
POC   32 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( CRA, I-SLICE, QP 29 )     267952 bits [Y 38.7535 dB    U 43.5844 dB    V 44.5669 dB] [ET    76 ] [L0] [L1]
POC   32 LId:  1 TId: 0 ( CRA, I-SLICE, QP 29 )     267760 bits [Y 38.7535 dB    U 43.5844 dB    V 44.5669 dB] [ET    77 ] [L0] [L1]

Sorry, yes the commit is exactly "a37f7543016566319eff3fd7327d8f1a0852e0d3". I used the same command in your example:

./bin/EncoderAppStatic -c cfg/encoder_randomaccess_vtm.cfg -c cfg/multi-layer/two_layers_independent.cfg -c cfg/per-sequence/BasketballDrive.cfg -q 32

and changed the number of frames to be encoded to 9 and I got the following:

VVCSoftware: VTM Encoder Version 19.0 [Linux][GCC 7.3.0][64 bit] [SIMD=AVX2] 

TOOL CFG: IBD:1 HAD:1 RDQ:1 RDQTS:1 RDpenalty:0 LQP:0 SQP:0 ASR:1 MinSearchWindow:96 RestrictMESampling:0 FEN:1 ECU:0 FDM:1 ESD:0 TransformSkip:1 TransformSkipFast:1 TransformSkipLog2MaxSize:5 ChromaTS:1 BDPCM:0 Tiles: 1x1 Slices: 1 MCTS:0 SAO:1 ALF:1 CCALF:1 MaxNumALFAPS 8 AlfapsIDShift 0 ConstantJointCbCrSignFlagWPP:0 WPB:0 PME:2  WaveFrontSynchro:0 WaveFrontSubstreams:1 ScalingList:0 TMVPMode:1  DQ:1  SignBitHidingFlag:0 RecalQP:0 
TOOL CFG: LFNST:1 MMVD:1 Affine:1 AffineType:1 AdaptBypassAffineMe:0 PROF:1 SbTMVP:1 DualITree:1 IMV:1 BIO:1 LMChroma:1 HorCollocatedChroma:1 VerCollocatedChroma:0 MTS:1(explicit intra) SBT:1 ISP:1 SMVD:1 CompositeLTReference:0 Bcw:1 BcwFast:1 LADF:0 CIIP:1 Geo:1 AllowDisFracMMVD:1 AffineAmvr:1 AffineAmvrEncOpt:1 AffineAmvp:1 DMVR:1 MmvdDisNum:6 JointCbCr:1 ACT:0 PLT:0 IBC:0 HashME:0 WrapAround:0 VirtualBoundariesEnabledFlag:0 VirtualBoundariesPresentInSPSFlag:1 vertical virtual boundaries:[ ] horizontal virtual boundaries:[ ] Reshape:1 (Signal:SDR Opt:0 CSoffset:6) MRL:1 MIP:1 EncDbOpt:1 
FAST TOOL CFG: LCTUFast:1 FastMrg:1 PBIntraFast:1 IMV4PelFast:1 MTSMaxCand: 4(intra) 4(inter) ISPFast:0 FastLFNST:0 AMaxBT:1 E0023FastEnc:1 ContentBasedFastQtbt:0 UseNonLinearAlfLuma:1 UseNonLinearAlfChroma:1 MaxNumAlfAlternativesChroma:8 FastMIP:0 TTFastSkip:31 TTFastSkipThr:1.075 FastLocalDualTree:1 RPR:0 TemporalFilter:4/4 SEI CTI:0 BIM:0 SEI FGC:0 SEI processing Order:0 

TOOL CFG: IBD:1 HAD:1 RDQ:1 RDQTS:1 RDpenalty:0 LQP:0 SQP:0 ASR:1 MinSearchWindow:96 RestrictMESampling:0 FEN:1 ECU:0 FDM:1 ESD:0 TransformSkip:1 TransformSkipFast:1 TransformSkipLog2MaxSize:5 ChromaTS:1 BDPCM:0 Tiles: 1x1 Slices: 1 MCTS:0 SAO:1 ALF:1 CCALF:1 MaxNumALFAPS 8 AlfapsIDShift 0 ConstantJointCbCrSignFlagWPP:0 WPB:0 PME:2  WaveFrontSynchro:0 WaveFrontSubstreams:1 ScalingList:0 TMVPMode:1  DQ:1  SignBitHidingFlag:0 RecalQP:0 
TOOL CFG: LFNST:1 MMVD:1 Affine:1 AffineType:1 AdaptBypassAffineMe:0 PROF:1 SbTMVP:1 DualITree:1 IMV:1 BIO:1 LMChroma:1 HorCollocatedChroma:1 VerCollocatedChroma:0 MTS:1(explicit intra) SBT:1 ISP:1 SMVD:1 CompositeLTReference:0 Bcw:1 BcwFast:1 LADF:0 CIIP:1 Geo:1 AllowDisFracMMVD:1 AffineAmvr:1 AffineAmvrEncOpt:1 AffineAmvp:1 DMVR:1 MmvdDisNum:6 JointCbCr:1 ACT:0 PLT:0 IBC:0 HashME:0 WrapAround:0 VirtualBoundariesEnabledFlag:0 VirtualBoundariesPresentInSPSFlag:1 vertical virtual boundaries:[ ] horizontal virtual boundaries:[ ] Reshape:1 (Signal:SDR Opt:0 CSoffset:6) MRL:1 MIP:1 EncDbOpt:1 
FAST TOOL CFG: LCTUFast:1 FastMrg:1 PBIntraFast:1 IMV4PelFast:1 MTSMaxCand: 4(intra) 4(inter) ISPFast:0 FastLFNST:0 AMaxBT:1 E0023FastEnc:1 ContentBasedFastQtbt:0 UseNonLinearAlfLuma:1 UseNonLinearAlfChroma:1 MaxNumAlfAlternativesChroma:8 FastMIP:0 TTFastSkip:31 TTFastSkipThr:1.075 FastLocalDualTree:1 RPR:0 TemporalFilter:4/4 SEI CTI:0 BIM:0 SEI FGC:0 SEI processing Order:0 

Number of configured ALF APS Ids exceeds maximum for multilayer, or overlap APS Ids - reconfiguring with automatic settings
        layer 0 : 4: 0 -> 3 
        layer 1 : 4: 4 -> 7 
 started @ Wed Jan 11 15:16:30 2023
POC    0 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( IDR_N_LP, I-SLICE, QP 29 )     245344 bits [Y 38.8432 dB    U 43.8226 dB    V 44.6787 dB] [ET   130 ] [L0] [L1]
POC    0 LId:  1 TId: 0 ( IDR_N_LP, I-SLICE, QP 29 )     245152 bits [Y 38.8432 dB    U 43.8226 dB    V 44.6787 dB] [ET   130 ] [L0] [L1]
POC    8 LId:  0 TId: 2 ( STSA, B-SLICE, QP 35 )      79928 bits [Y 38.0361 dB    U 43.0602 dB    V 43.3158 dB] [ET   323 ] [L0 0] [L1 0c]
POC    8 LId:  1 TId: 2 ( STSA, B-SLICE, QP 35 )      79928 bits [Y 38.0361 dB    U 43.0602 dB    V 43.3158 dB] [ET   323 ] [L0 0] [L1 0c]
POC    4 LId:  0 TId: 3 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 38 )      40312 bits [Y 37.7501 dB    U 43.0883 dB    V 43.4401 dB] [ET   228 ] [L0 0 8] [L1 8c 0]
POC    4 LId:  1 TId: 3 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 38 )      40312 bits [Y 37.7501 dB    U 43.0883 dB    V 43.4401 dB] [ET   225 ] [L0 0 8] [L1 8c 0]
POC    2 LId:  0 TId: 4 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 40 )      23992 bits [Y 37.7061 dB    U 43.3181 dB    V 43.5757 dB] [ET   149 ] [L0 0 4 8] [L1 4c 8 0]
POC    2 LId:  1 TId: 4 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 40 )      23992 bits [Y 37.7061 dB    U 43.3181 dB    V 43.5757 dB] [ET   150 ] [L0 0 4 8] [L1 4c 8 0]
POC    1 LId:  0 TId: 5 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 41 )      13584 bits [Y 37.8284 dB    U 43.4595 dB    V 43.6277 dB] [ET    82 ] [L0 0] [L1 2c 4]
POC    1 LId:  1 TId: 5 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 41 )      13584 bits [Y 37.8284 dB    U 43.4595 dB    V 43.6277 dB] [ET    87 ] [L0 0] [L1 2c 4]
POC    3 LId:  0 TId: 5 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 41 )      14520 bits [Y 37.4527 dB    U 43.1383 dB    V 43.0859 dB] [ET   105 ] [L0 2c 0] [L1 4 8]
POC    3 LId:  1 TId: 5 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 41 )      14520 bits [Y 37.4527 dB    U 43.1383 dB    V 43.0859 dB] [ET    99 ] [L0 2c 0] [L1 4 8]
POC    6 LId:  0 TId: 4 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 40 )      26720 bits [Y 37.3649 dB    U 42.8893 dB    V 42.9584 dB] [ET   169 ] [L0 4c 2 0] [L1 8 4 2]
POC    6 LId:  1 TId: 4 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 40 )      26720 bits [Y 37.3649 dB    U 42.8893 dB    V 42.9584 dB] [ET   189 ] [L0 4c 2 0] [L1 8 4 2]
POC    5 LId:  0 TId: 5 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 41 )      14784 bits [Y 37.2292 dB    U 42.9448 dB    V 42.8645 dB] [ET   122 ] [L0 4 0] [L1 6c 8]
POC    5 LId:  1 TId: 5 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 41 )      14784 bits [Y 37.2292 dB    U 42.9448 dB    V 42.8645 dB] [ET   112 ] [L0 4 0] [L1 6c 8]
POC    7 LId:  0 TId: 5 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 41 )      14328 bits [Y 37.3107 dB    U 42.9684 dB    V 42.8861 dB] [ET    99 ] [L0 6c 4] [L1 8 6]
POC    7 LId:  1 TId: 5 ( TRAIL, B-SLICE, QP 41 )      14328 bits [Y 37.3107 dB    U 42.9684 dB    V 42.8861 dB] [ET   103 ] [L0 6c 4] [L1 8 6]

LayerId  0
        Total Frames |  Bitrate      Y-PSNR   U-PSNR   V-PSNR   YUV-PSNR 
        9            a  2630.6222    37.7246  43.1877  43.3814  38.8965  
*** Error in `./bin/EncoderAppStatic': double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000003db7870 ***
======= Backtrace: =========
======= Memory map: ========
00400000-0091a000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 9046612                            /home/rkaafarani/dev/VVCSoftware_VTM/bin/EncoderAppStatic
00b1a000-00b20000 r--p 0051a000 fd:00 9046612                            /home/rkaafarani/dev/VVCSoftware_VTM/bin/EncoderAppStatic
00b20000-00b21000 rw-p 00520000 fd:00 9046612                            /home/rkaafarani/dev/VVCSoftware_VTM/bin/EncoderAppStatic
00b21000-01b77000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
039b8000-6b59c000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                                  [heap]
7f3ae3e8a000-7f3af13ba000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f3afc000000-7f3afc021000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f3afc021000-7f3b00000000 ---p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f3b0332a000-7f3b05e43000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f3b06f18000-7f3b0717a000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f3b0ac2b000-7f3b0ae8d000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f3b0ae8d000-7f3b0b050000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 787892                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b050000-7f3b0b250000 ---p 001c3000 fd:00 787892                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b250000-7f3b0b254000 r--p 001c3000 fd:00 787892                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b254000-7f3b0b256000 rw-p 001c7000 fd:00 787892                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b256000-7f3b0b25b000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f3b0b25b000-7f3b0b270000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 786449                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b270000-7f3b0b46f000 ---p 00015000 fd:00 786449                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b46f000-7f3b0b470000 r--p 00014000 fd:00 786449                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b470000-7f3b0b471000 rw-p 00015000 fd:00 786449                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b471000-7f3b0b572000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 787900                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b572000-7f3b0b771000 ---p 00101000 fd:00 787900                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b771000-7f3b0b772000 r--p 00100000 fd:00 787900                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b772000-7f3b0b773000 rw-p 00101000 fd:00 787900                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b773000-7f3b0b8e5000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 815334                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0b8e5000-7f3b0bae5000 ---p 00172000 fd:00 815334                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0bae5000-7f3b0baef000 r--p 00172000 fd:00 815334                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0baef000-7f3b0baf1000 rw-p 0017c000 fd:00 815334                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0baf1000-7f3b0baf5000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f3b0baf5000-7f3b0bb17000 r-xp 00000000 fd:00 787885                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0bc63000-7f3b0bcec000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f3b0bcf2000-7f3b0bd16000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7f3b0bd16000-7f3b0bd17000 r--p 00021000 fd:00 787885                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0bd17000-7f3b0bd18000 rw-p 00022000 fd:00 787885                     /usr/lib64/
7f3b0bd18000-7f3b0bd19000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 
7ffcc91a3000-7ffcc91c8000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0                          [stack]
7ffcc91d9000-7ffcc91db000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                          [vdso]
ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000 r-xp 00000000 00:00 0                  [vsyscall]
Abandon (core dumped)

I did a debug test and it seems that this error traces back to "delete encApp;" in encmain.cpp

Last edited 2 years ago by rkaafara (previous) (diff)

comment:6 follow-ups: Changed 2 years ago by fbossen

Does adding --NumPTLsInVPS=2 to the command line help?

comment:7 in reply to: ↑ 6 Changed 2 years ago by rkaafara

Replying to fbossen:

Does adding --NumPTLsInVPS=2 to the command line help?

It indeed does help, the encoding finished with no errors, thanks for the input, I'll do some more testing tomorrow!

comment:8 in reply to: ↑ 6 Changed 2 years ago by rkaafara

Replying to fbossen:

Does adding --NumPTLsInVPS=2 to the command line help?

With further testing, the addition of this parameter to the command line fixes the problems of encoder crashing, I would suggest fixing the template in /cfg, thanks for your time

comment:10 Changed 2 years ago by fbossen

  • Milestone set to VTM-19.1
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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