Opened 5 months ago

#1639 new defect

Compatibility issue with RPR and multi-pass

Reported by: cjj490168650 Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: VTM Version: VTM-23.0
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


Cconfiguration (debug mode):

-c .\cfg\encoder_lowdelay_P_vtm.cfg -c .\cfg\per-sequence\RaceHorses.cfg -c test.cfg -q 51 -i D:\Videos\ctc\sdr\RaceHorses_416x240_30.yuv


RPR : 1
ScalingRatioHor : 0.5
ScalingRatioVer : 0.5
DeltaQpRD : 1  # an existing multi-pass implementation


VVCSoftware: VTM Encoder Version 23.0 [Windows][VS 1916][64 bit] [SIMD=AVX2]

TOOL CFG: IBD:1 HAD:1 RDQ:1 RDQTS:1 RDpenalty:0 LQP:0 SQP:1 ASR:0 MinSearchWindow:8 RestrictMESampling:0 FEN:1 ECU:0 FDM:1 ESD:0 TransformSkip:1 TransformSkipFast:1 TransformSkipLog2MaxSize:5 ChromaTS:1 BDPCM:0 Tiles: 1x1 Slices: 1 MCTS:0 SAO:1 ALF:1 CCALF:1 MaxNumALFAPS 8 AlfapsIDShift 0 ConstantJointCbCrSignFlagWPP:0 WPB:0 PME:2  WaveFrontSynchro:0 WaveFrontSubstreams:1 ScalingList:0 TMVPMode:1  DQ:1  SignBitHidingFlag:0 RecalQP:0
TOOL CFG: LFNST:0 MMVD:1 Affine:1 AffineType:1 AdaptBypassAffineMe:0 PROF:1 SbTMVP:1 DualITree:1 IMV:1 BIO:0 LMChroma:1 HorCollocatedChroma:1 VerCollocatedChroma:0 MTS:1(explicit intra) SBT:1 ISP:1 SMVD:0 CompositeLTReference:0 Bcw:0 BcwFast:0 LADF:0 CIIP:1 Geo:0 AllowDisFracMMVD:1 AffineAmvr:0 AffineAmvrEncOpt:0 AffineAmvp:1 DMVR:0 MmvdDisNum:6 JointCbCr:1 ACT:0 PLT:0 IBC:0 HashME:0 WrapAround:0 VirtualBoundariesEnabledFlag:0 VirtualBoundariesPresentInSPSFlag:1 vertical virtual boundaries:[ ] horizontal virtual boundaries:[ ] Reshape:1 (Signal:SDR Opt:0 CSoffset:1) MRL:1 MIP:0 EncDbOpt:1 AlfLambdaOpt:0
FAST TOOL CFG: LCTUFast:1 FastMrg:1 MaxMergeRdCandNumTotal:5 MergeRdCandQuotaRegular:4 MergeRdCandQuotaRegularSmallBlk:4 MergeRdCandQuotaSubBlk:2 MergeRdCandQuotaCiip:1 MergeRdCandQuotaGpm:8 PBIntraFast:1 IMV4PelFast:1 MTSMaxCand: 3(intra) 4(inter) ISPFast:0 AMaxBT:1 E0023FastEnc:1 ContentBasedFastQtbt:0 UseNonLinearAlfLuma:1 UseNonLinearAlfChroma:1 MaxNumAlfAlternativesChroma:8 TTFastSkip:31 TTFastSkipThr:1.075 FastLocalDualTree:2 RPR:(0.50x, 0.50x)|8 TemporalFilter:4/0 SEI CTI:0 BIM:0 SEI FGC:0 SEI processing Order:0

 started @ Tue May 28 11:25:42 2024
POC    0 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( IDR_N_LP, I-SLICE, QP 49 )       6928 bits [Y 24.2190 dB    U 30.0202 dB    V 29.6330 dB] [ET    95 ] [L0] [L1] [Y2 24.2190 dB  U2 30.0202 dB  V2 29.6330 dB] MS-SSIM2: [Y 0.8330  U 0.8368  V 0.8459 ]
POC    1 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( TRAIL, P-SLICE, QP 59 )        392 bits [Y 23.0364 dB    U 29.4621 dB    V 29.4429 dB] [ET    43 ] [L0 0c] [L1] [Y2 23.0364 dB  U2 29.4621 dB  V2 29.4429 dB] MS-SSIM2: [Y 0.8027  U 0.8338  V 0.8417 ]
POC    2 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( TRAIL, P-SLICE, QP 57 )        488 bits [Y 22.7106 dB    U 29.2681 dB    V 29.2180 dB] [ET    44 ] [L0 1c 0] [L1] [Y2 22.7106 dB  U2 29.2681 dB  V2 29.2180 dB] MS-SSIM2: [Y 0.7838  U 0.8191  V 0.8325 ]
POC    3 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( TRAIL, P-SLICE, QP 59 )        296 bits [Y 22.0643 dB    U 29.0028 dB    V 28.7595 dB] [ET    45 ] [L0 2c 1 0] [L1] [Y2 22.0643 dB  U2 29.0028 dB  V2 28.7595 dB] MS-SSIM2: [Y 0.7540  U 0.8171  V 0.8243 ]
POC    4 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( TRAIL, P-SLICE, QP 57 )        440 bits [Y 22.0757 dB    U 28.7336 dB    V 28.3748 dB] [ET    56 ] [L0 3c 2 1 0] [L1] [Y2 22.0757 dB  U2 28.7336 dB  V2 28.3748 dB] MS-SSIM2: [Y 0.7498  U 0.8207  V 0.8203 ]
POC    5 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( TRAIL, P-SLICE, QP 58 )        328 bits [Y 21.6893 dB    U 28.1559 dB    V 27.9490 dB] [ET    52 ] [L0 4c 3 2 0] [L1] [Y2 21.6893 dB  U2 28.1559 dB  V2 27.9490 dB] MS-SSIM2: [Y 0.7316  U 0.8078  V 0.8107 ]
POC    6 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( TRAIL, P-SLICE, QP 58 )        456 bits [Y 21.7201 dB    U 27.9105 dB    V 28.3760 dB] [ET    66 ] [L0 5c 4 3 0] [L1] [Y2 21.7201 dB  U2 27.9105 dB  V2 28.3760 dB] MS-SSIM2: [Y 0.7228  U 0.8062  V 0.8037 ]
POC    7 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( TRAIL, P-SLICE, QP 58 )        296 bits [Y 21.3288 dB    U 27.5122 dB    V 28.2781 dB] [ET    54 ] [L0 6c 5 4 0] [L1] [Y2 21.3288 dB  U2 27.5122 dB  V2 28.2781 dB] MS-SSIM2: [Y 0.7025  U 0.7972  V 0.7994 ]

D:\VTM-23.0\bin\vs15\msvc-19.16\x86_64\debug\EncoderApp.exe (进程 36964)已退出,返回代码为: -1。


CHECKD(rsAddr(blk.bottomRight(), r.stride) >= ((r.height - 1) * r.stride + r.width),
           "Trying to access a buf outside of bound!");

EncoderApp.exe!PelStorage::getBuf(const CompArea & blk) 行 978	C++
EncoderApp.exe!EncCu::xCalDebCost(CodingStructure & cs, Partitioner & partitioner, bool calDist) 行 3867	C++
EncoderApp.exe!EncCu::xCheckRDCostUnifiedMerge(CodingStructure * & tempCS, CodingStructure * & bestCS, Partitioner & partitioner, const EncTestMode & encTestMode) 行 2445	C++
EncoderApp.exe!EncCu::xCompressCU(CodingStructure * & tempCS, CodingStructure * & bestCS, Partitioner & partitioner, double maxCostAllowed) 行 791	C++
EncoderApp.exe!EncCu::compressCtu(CodingStructure & cs, const UnitArea & area, const unsigned int ctuRsAddr, const EnumArray<int,enum ChannelType> & prevQP, const EnumArray<int,enum ChannelType> & currQP) 行 288	C++
EncoderApp.exe!EncSlice::encodeCtus(Picture * pcPic, const bool bCompressEntireSlice, const bool bFastDeltaQP, EncLib * pEncLib) 行 1900	C++
EncoderApp.exe!EncSlice::compressSlice(Picture * pcPic, const bool bCompressEntireSlice, const bool bFastDeltaQP) 行 1563	C++
EncoderApp.exe!EncSlice::precompressSlice(Picture * pcPic) 行 1391	C++
EncoderApp.exe!EncGOP::compressGOP(int pocLast, int numPicRcvd, std::list<Picture *,std::allocator<Picture *> > & rcListPic, std::list<UnitBuf<short> *,std::allocator<UnitBuf<short> *> > & rcListPicYuvRecOut, bool isField, bool isTff, const InputColourSpaceConversion snr_conversion, const bool printFrameMSE, bool printMSSSIM, bool isEncodeLtRef, const int picIdInGOP) 行 3505	C++
EncoderApp.exe!EncLib::encode(const InputColourSpaceConversion snrCSC, std::list<UnitBuf<short> *,std::allocator<UnitBuf<short> *> > & rcListPicYuvRecOut, int & numEncoded) 行 899	C++
EncoderApp.exe!EncApp::encode() 行 1820	C++
EncoderApp.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv) 行 329	C++

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