Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#575 closed defect (fixed)

RPR is not working

Reported by: Vadim Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: VTM Version:
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


RPR is not working after VTM-6.1, including master branch. Decoder crashes.

Change history (7)

comment:1 follow-up: Changed 5 years ago by Vadim

As a simple fix, I would suggest to add PPSorSliceMode: 0 into RPR configs unless the proponent of the constant slice header wants to work on a better encoder settings, TMVP is not always enabled in RPR.

comment:2 in reply to: ↑ 1 Changed 5 years ago by martin.m.pettersson

Replying to Vadim:

As a simple fix, I would suggest to add PPSorSliceMode: 0 into RPR configs unless the proponent of the constant slice header wants to work on a better encoder settings, TMVP is not always enabled in RPR.

The suggested fix to set PPSorSliceMode to 0 for RPR config files seems ok for now. Note also that there was a meeting decision to remove pps_temporal_mvp_enabled_idc (JVET-P0206), which would resolve this for VTM7.

comment:3 Changed 5 years ago by jfmcarreira

I used the RPR config and I do not see any changes in the output bitstream.

Would not be suppose to be able to decode two different outputs?

comment:4 Changed 5 years ago by ksuehring

It seems, people are working with RPR? Is this issue resolved?

comment:5 Changed 5 years ago by fbossen

Still seeing crashes with 44cb3264242c766455d574795ecc34b784860853 (Dec 3, 2019)

Encoding with:
EncoderApp -c cfg/per-sequence/BQMall.cfg -c cfg/encoder_lowdelay_P_vtm.cfg -c cfg/rpr/scale2.0x.cfg -f 50 -q 37

Decoder fails:

VVCSoftware: VTM Decoder Version 7.0 [Mac OS X][clang 10.0.1][64 bit] [SIMD=AVX2] 
POC    0 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( I-SLICE, QP 36 ) [DT  0.041] [L0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC    1 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 45 ) [DT  0.006] [L0 0c ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC    2 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 44 ) [DT  0.007] [L0 1c 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC    3 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 45 ) [DT  0.009] [L0 2c 1 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC    4 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 44 ) [DT  0.008] [L0 3c 2 1 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC    5 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 45 ) [DT  0.008] [L0 4c 3 2 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC    6 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 44 ) [DT  0.008] [L0 5c 4 3 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC    7 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 45 ) [DT  0.008] [L0 6c 5 4 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC    8 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 38 ) [DT  0.015] [L0 7c 6 5 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC    9 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 45 ) [DT  0.005] [L0 8c 7 6 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC   10 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 44 ) [DT  0.007] [L0 9c 8 7 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC   11 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 45 ) [DT  0.006] [L0 10c 9 8 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC   12 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 44 ) [DT  0.007] [L0 11c 10 8 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC   13 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 45 ) [DT  0.006] [L0 12c 11 8 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC   14 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 44 ) [DT  0.007] [L0 13c 12 8 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC   15 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 45 ) [DT  0.006] [L0 14c 13 8 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 
POC   16 LId:  0 TId: 0 ( P-SLICE, QP 38 ) [DT  0.016] [L0 15c 14 8 0 ] [L1 ] [:,(unk)] 

ERROR: In function "parsePictureHeader" in VVCSoftware_VTM/source/Lib/DecoderLib/VLCReader.cpp:1877: Invalid PPS

comment:7 Changed 5 years ago by fbossen

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