Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#582 closed defect (fixed)

scaling factor derivation condition is not aligned in 8.7.3

Reported by: sunmi.yoo Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: spec Version:
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, bbross, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


In 8.7.3, the condition for (8-941) and (8-942) is not aligned with the software. Adding 1 to qP should be determined based on the value of transform_skip_flag as well.

Currently :
– The scaling factor ls[ x ][ y ] is derived as follows:

– If pic_dep_quant_enabled_flag is equal to 1, the following applies:

ls[ x ][ y ] = ( m[ x ][ y ] * levelScale[ rectNonTsFlag ][ (qP + 1) % 6 ] ) << ( (qP + 1) / 6 ) (8-941)

– Otherwise (pic_dep_quant_enabled_flag is equal to 0), the following applies:

ls[ x ][ y ] = ( m[ x ][ y ] * levelScale[ rectNonTsFlag ][ qP % 6 ] ) << ( qP / 6 ) (8-942)

Proposed :
– The scaling factor ls[ x ][ y ] is derived as follows:

– If pic_dep_quant_enabled_flag is equal to 1 and transform_skip_flag[ xTbY ][ yTbY ][ cIdx ] is equal to 0, the following applies:

ls[ x ][ y ] = ( m[ x ][ y ] * levelScale[ rectNonTsFlag ][ (qP + 1) % 6 ] ) << ( (qP + 1) / 6 ) (8-941)

– Otherwise (pic_dep_quant_enabled_flag is equal to 0 or transform_skip_flag[ xTbY ][ yTbY ][ cIdx ] is equal to 1), the following applies:

ls[ x ][ y ] = ( m[ x ][ y ] * levelScale[ rectNonTsFlag ][ qP % 6 ] ) << ( qP / 6 ) (8-942)

Change history (1)

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by bbross

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Thanks for reporting.

This will be fixed JVET-P2001-vC.

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