Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#801 closed defect (fixed)

redundant index reference for num_tiles_in_slice_minus1

Reported by: jeromnhsu Owned by:
Priority: trivial Milestone:
Component: spec Version:
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, bbross, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


In VVC Draft7 (JVET-P2001-vE),
num_tiles_in_slice_minus1 is used with index, which is wrong, should be

num_tiles_in_slice_minus1 plus 1, when present, specifies the number of tiles in the slice. The value of num_tiles_in_slice_minus1 shall be in the range of 0 to NumTilesInPic − 1, inclusive.
The variable NumCtuInCurrSlice, which specifies the number of CTUs in the current slice, and the list CtbAddrInCurrSlice[ i ], for i ranging from 0 to NumCtuInCurrSlice − 1, inclusive, specifying the picture raster scan address of the i-th CTB within the slice, are derived as follows:
if( rect_slice_flag ) {

picLevelSliceIdx = SliceSubpicToPicIdx[ SubPicIdx ][ slice_address ]
NumCtuInCurrSlice = NumCtuInSlice[ picLevelSliceIdx ]
for( i = 0; i < NumCtuInCurrSlice; i++ )

CtbAddrInCurrSlice[ i ] = CtbAddrInSlice[ picLevelSliceIdx ][ i ] (115)

} else {

NumCtuInCurrSlice = 0
for( tileIdx = slice_address; tileIdx <= slice_address + num_tiles_in_slice_minus1[ i ]; tileIdx++ ) {

tileX = tileIdx % NumTileColumns
tileY = tileIdx / NumTileColumns
for( ctbY = tileRowBd[ tileY ]; ctbY < tileRowBd[ tileY + 1 ]; ctbY++ ) {

for( ctbX = tileColBd[ tileX ]; ctbX < tileColBd[ tileX + 1 ]; ctbX++ ) {

CtbAddrInCurrSlice[ NumCtuInCurrSlice ] = ctbY * PicWidthInCtb + ctbX





Change history (1)

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by yk

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Thanks! Will be fixed in JVET-Q2001-vA (by replacing "num_tiles_in_slice_minus1[ i ]" with "num_tiles_in_slice_minus1").

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