Opened 5 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#858 closed defect (fixed)

Missing close brace and conditions in palette_coding ()

Reported by: yhchao Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: VVC D7 vC
Component: spec Version: VVC D8 vB
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, bbross, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


  1. In the first while loop while( PaletteScanPos < maxSubPos ), the close brace is missing for the condition:

if( PaletteScanPos > 0 ) {

xcPrev = x0 + TraverseScanOrder[ log2CbWidth ][ log2CbHeight ][ PaletteScanPos − 1 ][ 0 ]
ycPrev = y0 + TraverseScanOrder[ log2CbWidth ][ log2CbHeight ][ PaletteScanPos − 1 ][ 1 ]

It should be:

if( PaletteScanPos > 0 ) {

xcPrev = x0 + TraverseScanOrder[ log2CbWidth ][ log2CbHeight ][ PaletteScanPos − 1 ][ 0 ]
ycPrev = y0 + TraverseScanOrder[ log2CbWidth ][ log2CbHeight ][ PaletteScanPos − 1 ][ 1 ]


  1. In the condition of copy_above_palette_indices_flag parsing:

if( MaxPaletteIndex > 0 && RunCopyMap[ xC ][ yC ] ) {

if( ( ( !palette_transpose_flag && yC > 0 ) | | ( palette_transpose_flag && xC > 0 ) ) && CopyAboveIndicesFlag[ xcPrev ][ ycPrev ] = = 0 ) {

CopyAboveIndicesFlag[ xC ][ yC ] = copy_above_palette_indices_flag

PreviousRunType = CopyAboveIndicesFlag[ xC ][ yC ]
PreviousRunPosition = PaletteScanPos

} else

CopyAboveIndicesFlag[ xC ][ yC ] = CopyAboveIndicesFlag[ xcPrev ][ ycPrev ]

Should add two condition PaletteScanPos > 0 as follows:

if( MaxPaletteIndex > 0 && RunCopyMap[ xC ][ yC ] ) {

if( ( ( !palette_transpose_flag && yC > 0 ) | | ( palette_transpose_flag && xC > 0 ) ) && ( CopyAboveIndicesFlag[ xcPrev ][ ycPrev ] = = 0 && PaletteScanPos > 0 ) ) {

CopyAboveIndicesFlag[ xC ][ yC ] = copy_above_palette_indices_flag

PreviousRunType = CopyAboveIndicesFlag[ xC ][ yC ]
PreviousRunPosition = PaletteScanPos

} elseif ( PaletteScanPos > 0 )

CopyAboveIndicesFlag[ xC ][ yC ] = CopyAboveIndicesFlag[ xcPrev ][ ycPrev ]

, since the variables xcPrev and ycPrev are not defined if PaletteScanPos = = 0.

Change history (1)

comment:1 Changed 4 years ago by bbross

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Good catch, thanks!

This will be fixed in first verison of D10.

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