Opened 5 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#950 closed defect (fixed)

NumSubLayersInLayerInOLS derivation

Reported by: eeehey Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: spec Version:
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, bbross, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


In VVC d8vE subcluase equation (40):

for( k = 0, j = 0; k <= vps_max_layers_minus1; k++ ) (40)

if( ols_output_layer_flag[ i ][ k ] ) {

layerIncludedInOlsFlag[ i ][ k ] = 1
LayerUsedAsOutputLayerFlag[ k ] = 1
OutputLayerIdx[ i ][ j ] = k
OutputLayerIdInOls[ i ][ j++ ] = vps_layer_id[ k ]
NumSubLayersInLayerInOLS[ i ][ j ] = vps_max_sub_layers_minus1 + 1


NumSubLayersInLayerInOLS[ i ][ j ] should be NumSubLayersInLayerInOLS[ i ][ k ] as NumSubLayersInLayerInOLS[ i ][ j ] specifies the number of sublayers in the j-th layer in the i-th OLS, not j-th output layer in i-th OLS.

Change history (1)

comment:1 Changed 4 years ago by yk

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Thanks! This part of the equation has been changed as part of an action taken at the JVET-R meeting. Therefore, I am closing this ticket now. If there is a new bug, please file a new ticket.

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