Opened 5 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

#953 closed defect (fixed)

sps_num_lasdf_inrervals_minus2 in Versatile Video Coding (Draft 8) is different with VTM source

Reported by: annci Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: spec Version:
Keywords: Cc: ksuehring, bbross, XiangLi, fbossen, jvet@…


In Versatile Video Coding (Draft 8,,sps_num_lasdf_inrervals_minus2 plus 1 specifies the number of sps_ladf_delta_thredshold_minus1[i] and sps_ladf_qp_offset[i] syntax elements that are present in ther SPS. But in VTM source,Sps_num_lasdf_inrervals_minus2 plus 2 specifies the number of sps_ladf_delta_thredshold_minus1[i] and sps_ladf_qp_offset[i] syntax elements that are present in ther SPS.

codeSPS() in VLCWriter.cpp:

WRITE_CODE( pcSPS->getLadfNumIntervals() - 2, 2, "sps_num_ladf_intervals_minus2" );

WRITE_SVLC( pcSPS->getLadfQpOffset( 0 ), "sps_ladf_lowest_interval_qp_offset");
for ( int k = 1; k< pcSPS->getLadfNumIntervals(); k++ )

WRITE_SVLC( pcSPS->getLadfQpOffset( k ), "sps_ladf_qp_offset" );
WRITE_UVLC( pcSPS->getLadfIntervalLowerBound( k ) - pcSPS->getLadfIntervalLowerBound( k - 1 ) - 1, "sps_ladf_delta_threshold_minus1" );


Change history (2)

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by yk

Good catch! Thanks! That's an obvious typo in the spec text. Will be fixed in JVET-R2001-v8.

comment:2 Changed 5 years ago by yk

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